Food vs. Edible

Michael Pollan, author of Omnivor’s Dilemma and Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual, coined the term “edible non-food.”  It is a way of grouping foods by whether or not they generally support health or are human-created foods that don’t provide a benefit to the body.  Some examples of edible non-food might be soda and diet soda, cheese puffs, Pringles, etc  You have probably heard a recommendation to shop for groceries on the outside of the grocery store to find the least processed most “whole” foods.  This is where you will find fruits, vegetables, eggs, dairy, meat, etc.  It is these minimally processed foods that Pollan is considering “food.”  In order to be healthy this concept doesn’t need to be taken to the extreme but the general idea of it can’t be ignored.

When discussing this concept with my pediatric patients I ask them “between Elmer’s glue and Cheetos which one is a food?”  Of course they always say Cheetos.  I point out that they both can be eaten without causing an immediate health problem.  One is marketed as food and one as school supplies.  I would argue they are just about as equally “good for you.”  This is a silly example but I’m trying to make the point that just being edible isn’t a good enough definition to determine that something is food.

Some questions to ask when you are deciding if something is food vs edible non-food are:

  1. Did nature make this or a factory?
  2. Do I recognized all of the ingredients listed in the ingredient list?
  3. Is the purpose of this food entertainment or nutrition?
  4. Does the packaging make health claims or seem to be convincing you of something?
If your diet is 80% real food and 20% edible non-food you are doing pretty well!  If you are looking for a resource to improve the quality of your diet I recommend Pollan’s book Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual.  It is short and sweet with simple recommendations.  Good luck!  -MK

Moms, Do you know how your daughter sees herself?

This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness week and the National Eating Disorders Association’s (NEDA) 2017 theme is “It’s Time to Talk About It.” We are thankful to have a mom who is willing to share her story and talk about her daughter’s battle with eating disorders. With Kristen’s permission, we’d love to share her story and insight as a mother:


Dear Girl Moms,

Isn’t it fun when you are scrolling through Instagram and come across a picture with your daughter posted by one of her friends? Your eye is immediately drawn to her and I imagine like me, her smile makes you beam. You couldn’t love her any more. To you, she is perfect.

Only that’s not at all how she sees it.

Even if she “likes” the picture, on the inside she can’t believe her friend chose that one to post!  She scrutinizes every detail. Everyone else looks perfect, but not her. By comparison she is convinced she is fat, not as pretty or whatever else. And the longer she stares at the picture, the more down on herself she becomes.  In her mind, everyone perceives her in the same way she sees herself.

I’m telling you this because this is how it was for my daughter.

I had no idea she felt the way she did about her changing middle school body. It never entered my mind to even ask because at the time nothing about her demeanor let on to the deep dissatisfaction she felt. She was beautiful; still is.

A year or so later when she began trying to lose a little weight, I didn’t initially see anything wrong with her desire to eat healthier and to be more active, especially since her swim team season had ended. But as weight loss became noticeable and others began complimenting her on how good – how skinny – she looked it strengthened her resolve to keep going and her new found discipline became obsessive. (This is why I’ve learned to stop giving the “You look so skinny!” compliment to anyone.)

What started out as a little dieting quickly turned to sever food restrictions and major calorie-counting. I feared anorexia setting in. But she couldn’t see it, at least not yet.

Months later an extremely low resting heart-rate scared her back into eating, but as is the case with many who battle eating disorders it can quickly swing from one extreme to another.  Nearly a year later bulimia had become a controlling secret.

Finally, she admitted needing help and from there it was a two-year healing process. At times it felt like a never-ending road, but the care and counsel she received from Banister Nutrition was instrumental in her ultimate recovery. No longer is she held captive by the negative body image, comparison and eating disorder that characterized her high school years and for that we are eternally grateful for Carol at Banister.

Early in her treatment I struggled with my own worth – as a mom.  I felt like I had failed for not knowing the intense struggle going on inside her head and behind closed doors. It was especially hard to reconcile because we had a close relationship (even more so today) and talked freely about seemingly everything. But I now better understand the shame and guilt coinciding with an eating disorder which makes admitting the problem extremely hard. It is the reason far too many people suffer silently and even the ones being treated often hide behind a mask.

This is why my daughter and I both talk about eating disorders openly on social media and elsewhere. We want to be resources and encouragement to anyone living enslaved by an eating disorder or a false sense of worth from body comparisons and shaming. In fact, this part of my daughter’s story is also what has led to my upcoming book. Though not specifically about eating disorders, it is the reason why I felt it necessary to write a book for teen/college girls on identity and worth.

I hope to spare you moms the pain of walking this road with your daughter. I want to help your daughter know her worth secure in Christ.  Please don’t assume you know what she thinks when she sees herself in a picture. Start the conversation. Ask heart-penetrating questions and always, always point her back to who Christ is for her. Her identity is only secure in Him.

And if you do find yourself in my shoes, you are not a bad mom. Christ was perfect for you too. So, don’t hide in shame or fear of what others will think. Reach out and let someone bear your burdens with you. And if I can be that friend, I will.

Growing in Grace Together,

Kristen Hatton


To read more of Kristen’s blogs, learn about her book, or see her speaking events calendar go to More eating disorders resources, screening tools, and ways to get involved, visit Keep talking about it and be screened. -HM

Do You Have a Healthy Relationship with Food?

Do you have a friend or family member who’s eating habits concerned you? Maybe you’ve noticed some of your own habits may need evaluating? The Renfrew Center has provided a questionnaire which you may find helpful. Keep in mind, this survey is not a diagnostic tool.

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions:

  1. Can you eat when you are hungry and quit when you are satisfied?
  2. Do you stop eating because you think you should (as opposed to because your body is satisfied)?
  3. Do you make food choices based on foods you enjoy?
  4. Do you become physically uncomfortable (such as weak, tired, dizzy, a headache) when you under-eat or diet?
  5. Do you feel that your food selections are a combination of “healthy foods” and “pleasurable foods”?
  6. Do you have to eat in a certain pattern – always­ three meals a day or always at certain times of the day?
  7. Do you trust that if you eat when you are hungry and stop when you are satisfied, you will not get fat?
  8. Do you feel guilty when you eat to the point that you are stuffed and uncomfortable?
  9. Can you balance the time you give to thoughts about food, weight, and dieting with other important aspects of your life, such as relationships, work and self-development?
  10. Do you watch what other people eat and use that to determine what and how much you will eat?
  11. Can you leave some cookies on the plate because you know you can have some tomorrow?
  12. Do you usually pick foods based on their calorie content?


Add up all the “no” responses to the odd-numbered questions and give 1 point per “no”.

Add up all the “yes” responses to the even-numbered questions and give 1 point per “yes”.

Total both numbers.

Scores from 0-3 indicate a generally healthy attitude towards food and eating.

Scores from 4-8 suggest pressure about appearance and ideas about how much and of what to eat may be negatively affecting self-acceptance and overall happiness. It may be helpful to explore these issues.

Scores from 9-12 suggest more serious food issues, ranging from food obsession to disordered eating. Consider seeking professional assistance to deal with these thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to food and body image.


For more information about food, weight, eating disorders, binge eating disorder, etc. contact Banister Nutrition, LLC at 405-755-7561, the Renfrew Center Foundation at 1-877-367-3383, or the Laureate Eating Disorder Program at 1-888-253-4827. -CB


Reference: The Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders

From a Dietitian’s Kitchen – Fresh Pear and Pomegranate Salad

Pears and pomegranates are currently in season and are a great addition to a green salad. Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants as well as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Some refer to them as one of the “super foods.” One-half cup of arils/seeds of the pomegranate contains 75 calories, 15 gm carbohydrates, and 3 gm fiber. Pears are a great source of vitamin C, copper, and fiber. Pears are said to have more nutrients per calorie than calorie per nutrient!


Enjoy this fresh winter salad while getting a great supply of nutrients!



1 head Romaine

Arils/seeds removed from 2 pomegranates

1 pear cut into thin slices



½ C sugar

1 tsp dry mustard

½ tsp salt

1/3 C apple cider vinegar

1 C oil

1 ½ Tbsp grated onion

1 Tbsp poppy seeds


Make dressing in advance and let chill in refrigerator.

Just before serving drizzle over salad.

Recipe makes enough dressing for salad for 2 meals.




Want to try using a fresh, whole pomegranate? Here’s a neat tutorial video we found:

It’s All in Your Head!


It’s January, here we go again…

You’re headed to the gym, your palate will never experience bread, potatoes, or pasta again. Delectable cookies, cake, or ice cream are poison to your body and soul. Salad greens only consumed without dressing, fresh fruit and veggies are always recommended. Ah-ha, that’s the answer- exist only on fruits and vegetables until your body reaches perfection!

The food you eat or don’t eat and frequency of physical activity does affect your health and fitness. Do you want to know the origin of your health and fitness challenges and where your work really needs to be focused?

It’s All in Your Head!

  1. Attitude – exercise your mind to have a strong opinion, mentally decided to be positive, encouraging, realistic, and fair to yourself. Sing your praises, slips ups are part of the learning process, not signs of failure.
  1. Demolish strongholds – those strong opinions you hold telling yourself: “I can’t do this,” “I don’t care, I want the cookie anyway,” I feel fat” when you’re actually very thin, “It’s not fair I have diabetes.” Delete these thoughts and statements.
  1. A lie believed as truth will affect your life as if it were true. Do you tell yourself: “It doesn’t matter if I check my blood sugar,” “I will never be able to lose weight. I’ve been overweight my whole life,” “I’ve never liked fruit or vegetables and I never will,” “I don’t have time to cook,” as one with anorexia “I’m not hungry, so I don’t need to eat?”
  1. You CAN rewire your brain. The prefrontal cortex controls cravings and it is possible to interrupt the craving (addiction) pathway with mindfulness, changed self-talk, and tools to decrease anxiety and meditation.
  1. Live a life of active gratitude. Your legs are strong and they work, do you enjoy long walks? You have the resources to afford the gym, do you utilize this privilege?

Get your head on track – your thoughts and behaviors will follow.


Happy New Year! -CB

Convenience Cooking with Dried Beans

Cooking with canned beans may be quick and easy, but using dried beans can be made simple too! Benefits of using dried beans instead of canned? They’re cheaper, 16 ounces of dried beans often turns into 32+ ounces when cooked, and you can add less salt than what is in many of the canned products.

Traditionally, many people soak their dried beans overnight, but there is also a quicker way to cook beans without the long soak! Add your dried beans to a pot and cover the beans with water. Then cover the pot with a lid and bring the contents to a boil. After the water and beans start boiling, remove the covered pot from the heat and let sit for an hour or more, where they’ll continue to soak up water. Let the beans sit while you go off to run errands, take a walk, or prep other parts of your meal. After about an hour, remove the lid and bring the contents back to a boil. Next, reduce the heat and continue to cook the beans as if you had soaked them!

Stir the pot of beans periodically and check on them after an hour, and keep adding water as necessary until the beans are tender and ready to be eaten. Consider cooking a big batch up, freezing them in portions, and using them instead of canned beans in later meals!

Not sure how much to cook? This chart from may come in handy:



Happy cooking! -HM

Is Gluten-Free Healthy?

Almost two-thirds of participants in a Consumer Reports survey thought going gluten-free would improve their physical or mental health; but is cutting out gluten beneficial for those without celiac disease or gluten sensitivities? Going gluten-free is not necessary for most healthy individuals.

Here may be some reasons to not go gluten-free:
– Going gluten-free without the help of a nutritionist may lead to nutritional deficiencies. The gluten-free products are often not enriched or fortified in iron or folic acid like wheat flours.
-You might actually gain weight, contrary to popular belief. The gluten that added texture and flavor to wheat, rye, and barley are often replaced with fat, sodium, and sugar in gluten-free products.
-You might miss a serious diagnosis. If you think you have an intolerance to gluten or celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder, you actually need to be consuming gluten to get a proper diagnosis. For others, going gluten-free may more of a placebo effect. It’s best to talk to a dietitian or GI specialist and see what changes are best to make before severely restricting your diet!

If you’re looking into cutting out gluten, keep these tips in mind:
– Don’t cut out whole grains completely. You can replace wheat with amaranth, corn, millet, quinoa, teff, and rice.
-Pick naturally gluten-free foods: fruit, vegetables, lean meat, poultry, fish, legumes, and nuts.
-Read your labels and minimize sugar, fat, and sodium when you buy processed foods!

Have any questions? Our RD’s would love to meet with you and discuss your concerns! -HM




Picture from Consumer Reports January 2015 Issue.

Green Tea for Good Health

What is the mystic of green tea? As early as third century B.C. there are record of tea consumption. There are 3 types of common tea: green, black, and oolong. Green, black, and oolong teas all originate from the same plant leaf, Camellia sinensis, but have been processed differently. Texts from the third century A.D. suggest tea was used medicinally to alleviate depression, digestive issues, and nervous conditions. Green tea has been extensively studied and may have health benefits!

Green tea has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for centuries because of its perceived health benefits. Since green tea is only slightly processed it is full of its natural polyphenols, which include flavanols, flavandiols, flavonoids, and phenolic acid. All of these naturally occurring chemicals are micronutrients in our diet and the flavonoids are particularly helpful antioxidants. The micronutrients nourish your body while antioxidants help prevent cell damage.20161007_165030

Here are some health conditions green tea may be beneficial for:

  • atherosclerosis (heart disease)
  • high cholesterol
  • many types of cancer (bladder, breast, ovarian, colorectal, esophageal, lung, pancreatic, prostate, skin, stomach, and more)
  • inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Diabetes (type 1 and 2)
  • liver disease
  • weight loss

To make green tea at home, brew the tea for about 5 minutes in hot water. You can also drink your tea cold or take advantage of the bottled teas. Many coffee shops serve a variety of teas (locally, try All About Cha), you can by bagged teas at you local grocery stores (Bigelow, Tazo, Lipton, etc), or purchase loose leaf from specialty stores (Teavana, Republic of Tea). You may also like to try matcha, ground green tea leaves instead of whole brewed green tea, described to have a more intense sweetness and deeper flavor. Green tea and matcha does have some caffeine, 35 mg per 8 ounces compared to coffee’s 150 mg. Unlike coffee, caffeine in tea doesn’t stay proportional to its serving size. If 8 ounces of coffee contains around 150 mg of caffeine then 16 oz contains around 300 mg; but 1 tea bag brewed in 8 oz or 16oz will both only contain around 35 mg of caffeine! Consider drinking 2-3 cups a day of unsweetened or lightly sweetened green tea to experience some of its health benefits. -HM

Are There Really Benefits In Eating Foods That Are In Season?

We’ve all seen and heard it, “Eat what’s in season.” There must be reasons for this advice, and what is included in the statement. Is it enough to eat organic, or “grown locally”? Let’s explore the terms.

“In season” means what’s being grown at the current time, usually thought to be in your local area. It may not necessarily mean organic, but it would be easy to investigate what methods a farmer/producer uses to grow their crops if it is grown locally. Reasons for eating locally, are: freshness and higher nutritional content; taste; cost; lower energy consumption , (including a lower carbon footprint); and constant variety.

Two local restaurants which subscribe to this view are Packards and Ludivine. This trend is called “farm to table” and is really catching on throughout the U.S.

So, what’s in season, looking at each season?

  • Spring: Swiss chard, spinach, Romaine lettuce,
    parsley and basil. Think greens!
  • Summer: strawberries, apple, pear, and plums and peaches as fruits, and vegetables such as summer squash, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers and corn; spices grown in this season, include mint, cilantro and oregano
  • Fall: carrot, sweet potato, onions, and garlic
  • Winter: think again of the root vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes, which will still be available; and then our neighbors to the south, who bring citrus fruits, sometimes to our very doors! If our winters are mild, and you have a garden, growing herbs and greens can be done into December and beyond, in a protected spot.

There may be health benefits we can’t even imagine from eating this ordered way, that is after all, planned by Nature. Think of the Vitamin C available in those citrus fruits and even potatoes in the dead of winter. Hopefully this will at least have you looking at what’s on sale and why at your next grocery store trip. -KM

RMR – What We Can Learn About Your Metabolism

Do you think your metabolism is so-o-o-o slow or maybe almost dead which explains why you can never lose weight or why you gain weight just looking at food? If you feel this is true for you let us check out your metabolic rate and find out for sure if your oven is still cooking or if it’s truly burned out. We can measure your resting metabolic rate with a very simple 10-12 minute breathing test in our office. The test measures the oxygen your body consumes and uses this information to calculate your Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) or Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR).

We will provide you with a printout, which tells you if your metabolismScreen Shot 2016-09-06 at 10.22.34 AM is dead or alive (helpful information for all of us to know), and how many calories your body burns on a daily bases. The dietitians at Banister nutrition perform this test on the majority of all new patients to determine your accurate calorie burn. Reliable energy information is the foundation to calculate all calorie and nutrient requirements for any diagnosis.

Your metabolic rate may be affected by:

  • muscle: muscle mass increases RMR
  • age: RMR slows with age
  • genetics: your own genetics may contribute to a raised or lowered RMR
  • weather: your RMR increases in cold weather
  • meals: small regular meals increases RMR
  • pregnancy: may increase RMR
  • crash-dieting: decreases RMR (Read our blog on The Biggest Loser study for more interesting information on this!)
  • supplements: some can raise your RMR

The RMR test requires you be in a fasting state, no caffeine and only water for 4 hours prior to the test. Digesting food at the time of the test will raise your RMR as will consuming caffeine. In order to solve a problem we must first accurately identify the problem. You don’t want to be blaming a supposedly “slow metabolism” for you weight or health issues if that is not actually the real problem. -HM