With PCOS, knowledge is POWER!


Have you heard of PCOS? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a frequently under-diagnosed condition for many women and can lead to some very frustrating symptoms. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that also affects your body’s production of insulin and can increase your risk of diabetes. Commonly, PCOS causes very heavy or painful menstrual cycles (or irregular or nonexistent cycles!), acne, ovarian symptoms, unwanted hair growth on the face, male-pattern baldness, difficulty losing weight, and infertility.

Frequently, women with this condition feel they are doing everything right and yet still not losing weight. If this is the case for you, talk to your doctor about doing labs and an ultrasound to determine whether or not you may be dealing with PCOS.

The good news is, PCOS is very responsive to diet and lifestyle changes as well as targeted supplements or medications. Making changes in how often you eat, what nutrients you combine together, and what type of exercise you do can drastically improve your PCOS and how you feel. These changes can also reduce your risk of developing other health issues down the line. Eating regularly through the day and making sure your meals and snacks contain both carbohydrates and protein can go a long way toward stabilizing your blood sugar and insulin levels. Supplements such as CoQ10 and inositol have shown promising results in studies in helping improve carb cravings, irregular menstrual cycles, and insulin levels.

With PCOS, knowledge is POWER!

The Blueprint for Cognitive Health Mirrors Body Wellness

Cognitive health is a common concern as we age, as it plays a role in memory, awareness, judgment and mental acuity. Several factors are out of our control, but focusing on five areas within our control can reduce the risks of cognitive decline. Fortunately, the key to preserving cognitive health aligns closely with what’s beneficial for our bodies, so starting these now can help maintain a sharp mind.

1. Nutrition – Fueling Your Mind
Diets rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, with limited added sugars, sodium, saturated fat, trans fat and alcohol not only support heart health but also nourish the brain. The Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, and the MIND diet are proven to promote cognitive health by reducing inflammation and providing essential nutrients that support brain function.

2. Exercise – Boosting Brain Power
Physical activity is a powerful tool for preserving cognitive function. Research indicates that aerobic exercise and resistance training stimulate neuroplastic changes in the brain, counteracting cognitive decline associated with aging. Aim for at least 45 minutes of exercise, twice per week, to reap the cognitive benefits and maintain overall brain health.

3. Sleep – Restoring Mind and Body
Adequate sleep is essential for cognitive health, as it allows the brain to consolidate memories and recharge. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to cognitive impairments, mood disorders and an increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Both sleep quantity and quality play crucial roles in cognitive functioning and the rate of decline. Prioritize good sleep hygiene habits to ensure restorative sleep and support optimal cognitive function as you age. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night.

4. Stress Management – Protecting Your Brain
Chronic stress can take a toll on cognitive abilities, leading to accelerated cognitive decline and an increased risk of dementia. Finding effective stress management techniques, such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, spending time in nature, reading, or listening to music, can lower the risk of cognitive decline and promote overall well-being. By reducing stress, you can protect your cognitive function and promote mental clarity.

5. Social Connections – Nourish the Mind and Soul
Human connection is essential for cognitive health. Engaging in social activities, maintaining meaningful relationships, and participating in community events can stimulate cognitive function, improve mood, and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Prioritize social interaction as a vital aspect of your cognitive health regimen.

Since the blueprint for maintaining cognitive health in aging closely mirrors the principles of overall wellness for the body, you can essentially achieve two important health goals in a single lifestyle plan. By focusing on a nutritious diet, regular physical activity, quality sleep, effective stress management, and vibrant social interactions, you can support your cognitive function and enjoy a fulfilling life with a sharp mind and a healthy body. Remember, aging gracefully is not just about longevity—it’s about living life to the fullest, with clarity, vitality, and joy.

 How to Make Health and Wellness a Priority at an Office Job

Do you have a sedentary job? Did you know that not meeting the recommended 30 minutes of exercise a day puts you at a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer? Many are unaware that it can also impact your mental health. Living a sedentary lifestyle has been linked to anxiety and depression. Below are some tips to prioritize your mental and physical health on the job.

Ways to Prioritize Mental Health:

  • Get a full 8 hours of sleep.
  • Meditate, do a little yoga, or some deep breathing.
  • Start your day off by listening to a podcast on your morning commute.
  • Don’t skip breakfast: It jumpstarts your metabolism and provides energy so you perform your best at work! 
  • Set boundaries between your work and home life.

Ways to Prioritize Physical Health:

  • Park farther away and walk.
  • Get up every hour: Walk to the bathroom, get a drink, go to the printer or chat with a coworker.
  • On your lunch break, take a walk around the building, climb a couple flights of stairs or hit the gym for a quick workout.
  • Make sure to stay hydrated: It can be easy to get busy and forget about your daily water intake.
  • Bring food from home: It is healthier and gives you time to do other things on your break!
  • If possible, get a standing desk or a mini foot cycler that fits under your desk.

Being active is important to ensure your overall health and quality of life. Try to incorporate some of these tips into your life and see how much better you feel mentally and physically!