With PCOS, knowledge is POWER!


Have you heard of PCOS? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a frequently under-diagnosed condition for many women and can lead to some very frustrating symptoms. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that also affects your body’s production of insulin and can increase your risk of diabetes. Commonly, PCOS causes very heavy or painful menstrual cycles (or irregular or nonexistent cycles!), acne, ovarian symptoms, unwanted hair growth on the face, male-pattern baldness, difficulty losing weight, and infertility.

Frequently, women with this condition feel they are doing everything right and yet still not losing weight. If this is the case for you, talk to your doctor about doing labs and an ultrasound to determine whether or not you may be dealing with PCOS.

The good news is, PCOS is very responsive to diet and lifestyle changes as well as targeted supplements or medications. Making changes in how often you eat, what nutrients you combine together, and what type of exercise you do can drastically improve your PCOS and how you feel. These changes can also reduce your risk of developing other health issues down the line. Eating regularly through the day and making sure your meals and snacks contain both carbohydrates and protein can go a long way toward stabilizing your blood sugar and insulin levels. Supplements such as CoQ10 and inositol have shown promising results in studies in helping improve carb cravings, irregular menstrual cycles, and insulin levels.

With PCOS, knowledge is POWER!