Rabbit Meat

Rabbits have a rapid reproduction and growth rate which makes them a viable protein source with a relatively small enviromental footprint. Rabbit meat is high in protein and low in total fat. Comparing rabbit meat to roasted chicken (skin removed), a 3 1/2 ounce portion of roasted domesticated rabbit provides more iron (2.27 mg in rabbit vs. 1.21 mg in chicken), more selenium (38.5 mcg vs. 22 mcg) and about half the sodium (47 mg vs. 86 mg). Rabbit meat also provides 320 mg of omega-3 fatty acids- more than four times the amount found in chicken.
Jon Godar, who raises rabbits on Eli Creek Farm in Connersville, Ind.,  explains his favorite recipe,
“Place a whole rabbit and some chopped celery in your  slow cooker, cover with water and cook on low for 13 hours. Remove the meat from the bones and serve over egg noodles.”
Rabbit meat can be ordered online or sourced through local farmers or butchers. It’s price can be expensive because its production is relatively small.
Posted by: SSG
Source: Food & Nutrition September/October 2013 By Holly Larson MS, RD 

Back To School Nutrition Tips

  • Breakfast is an important meal for growing children. Studies show that breakfast eaters tend to have higher school attendance, less tardiness and fewer hunger-induced stomachaches in the morning. Their overall test scores are higher, they concentrate better, solve problems more easily and have better muscle coordination.
  • If your child’s school provides meals, take time to review the menu with them and discuss how to build a healthful and nutritious meal they will enjoy. Make sure the choices include whole grains, vegetables, fruits and low-fat or fat-free dairy at every meal.
  • If you pack your children’s lunches, take your kids grocery shopping with you and allow them to pick out healthy foods that they enjoy. Your kids are much more likely to eat what you pack for them if they have picked it out themselves.
  • For children that are involved in an after-school activity, packing a healthy snack they can eat beforehand. Such as fruit or vegetable slices, 100 percent fruit juice and whole-grain crackers with low-fat cheese are healthy options that will give them the energy they need to make it to dinner.
  • Regular physical activity is very important to a child’s development. Not all children may like sports, but there are still plenty of ways they can get exercise on a daily basis at school and at home. Creating an activity that you and your child both enjoy is a great way to spend quality time with your child while being active.


Posted by: SSG

Source: http://www.eatright.org/kids/article.aspx?id=6442467951

Spice It Up!

Growing up in an Indian family, various spices are integrated in most of our daily dishes. After researching about different spices, I have found that these spices have benefits in our body:
  • Turmeric: Contains curcumin, which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Try to have 500 to 800 milligrams a day, says Bharat Aggarwal, PhD, a professor of cancer medicine at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.   
  •  Capsaicin: This ingredient that provides the plants with their spice also has medical benefits that include pain relief, heart health, fighting prostate cancer, and stopping ulcers.
  •   Garlic: An anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral effects, and some studies show that it can stop blood clots from forming in your arteries. It’s also an easy spice to add into your diet: Try it in pasta sauce, on pizza, Indian curries, or mixed with other vegetables.

    Try one of these three flavorful spices in your meal today!  

Posted by: SSG 

Anorexia Nervosa

I am hungry 90% of every day. If I eat a slice of bread I must  run an extra 2-3 miles. I measure everything I eat. If I sleep on my side I always get a bruise because of the pressure placed on my bones. My ‘fear foods’ include anything fried, anything with alot of sugar, pizza, mexican, all sweets, large portions of anything. When my family wants to go out to eat I hate it because there is nothing I can eat at a restaurant or I’ll get fat. Food is on my mind all of the time. I’m always cold. Yes, my skin is very dry and my hair is not shiny. Just ask my family, I’m very moody and irritable. I try to act happy but I feel depressed most of the time. I don’t socialize very much because there will probably be food involved and I’d rather stay home so I don’t have to eat.

Anorexia Nervosa is a severe restriction of food/calorie intake characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss. 15% under ideal body weight has been considered an anorexic health state. Occasionally the restriction is in the name of good health or being a vegetarian stating “I don’t eat any fat because my dad has heart disease and I know fat is not good for me” or “I don’t eat meat because I’m a vegetarian”. The individuals imminent low weight may be the real health threat vs the potential of developing heart disease.

Warning signs of anorexia nervosa include:

  • dramatic weight loss
  • preoccupation with weight, food, calories, fat gms, dieting, body image
  • refusal to eat certain foods progressing to restrictions of whole categories of foods ( NO carbohydrates or NO fats)
  • frequent comments about feeling fat or overweight despite recent weight loss
  • denial of hunger
  • anxiety about specific foods, gaining weight or being fat
  • food rituals – playing with food, cutting food into tiny pieces, eating food in a certain order,
  • frequent excuses to avoid meals and food situations
  • excessive exercise
  • frequent weighing, possibly several times each day

Consequences of starving your body:

  • slowed heart rate, low blood pressure which can eventually lead to heart failure
  • muscle loss which icludes heart muscle
  • fainting, fatigue, overall weakness
  • gastrointestinal disturbances
  • dry skin, hair thinning
  • growth of downy hair called ‘lanugo’ on the face and all over the body
  • paresthesis (burning or tingling) on limbs or any body parts
  • body decreases the rate it burns calories
  • food preoccupation
  • collection of recipes, cookbooks and menus
  • increased consumption of coffee, tea, diet drinks and spices
  • decreased ability to concentrate
  • apathy

Fighting anorexia nervosa is an exhaustive struggle 24/7. This battle with food and body image is always a part of your being, even when you momentarily wake during the night and first thing on your mind with the sun rays of a morning. The extreme disturbance in how you view your body, your weight and body shape robs you of peace and replaces it with anxiety.  This is not the way you are to spend your time on this earth. Reach outside yourself to find someone to support your journey inward to find that place of peace and freedom with self, food and body. CB

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is linked to numerous health benefits. Studies have shown that vitamin D has a role in bone health and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, stroke and more. The recommendations for adults up to age 69 rose to 600 IU/day, and to 800 IU/day for adults starting at age 70. Older adults need more vitamin D because as they age, their skin does not produce vitamin D efficiently, that is because they spend less time outdoors, and don’t t get enough vitamin D.

    Here are a few tips to increase vitamin D in your body:
    • Add dried shiitake mushrooms to fresh salmon for vitamin D-rich dinner.
    • Try Greek yogurt or cottage cheese to boost your vitamin D intake.


    • Take a 10-minute walk, without using sunscreen, in the sun to activate the vitamin D in your skin.


    • Be sure to get your vitamin D levels checked every year. You may need to take a supplement if your vitamin D levels are low or have high blood pressure. 

     Posted by: SSG

    Source: Diabetes & You, Fall 2013, Susan Weiner, RD,MS,CDE, CDN;http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/guide/are-you-getting-enough-vitamin-d

    Control Your Cholesterol!

    Genes can be a factor in high cholesterol, but so can being overweight, being physically inactive and eating foods loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol. Abnormal cholesterol levels such as high LDL cholesterol or low HDL cholesterol are a big risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Having an unhealthy diet can cause high cholesterol. Maintaining a low-cholesterol diet can help improve cholesterol levels.

    Here are a few recommendations to lower the risk of high cholesterol: 
    • Limit egg yolks.
    • Limit meat: Try to limit poultry and fish to no more that 2 servings or 5 oz a day.  Keep in mind that a serving is about the size of a deck of cards.
    • Limit fatty meats: Corned beef, pastrami, ribs, steak, ground meat, hot dogs, sausage, bacon, processed meats like bologna, and organ meats like liver and kidney. Instead try to eat skinless chicken or turkey, lean beef, veal, pork, lamb, and fish. Also try some meatless main dishes, like beans, peas, pasta, or rice.
    • Avoid saturated fats and oils: This includes things such as butter, bacon drippings, lard, palm oil, and coconut oil. Try to use soft tub margarine or vegetable oils, such as olive or canola oil.
    • Limit trans fats or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils: These oils go through a process that makes them solid. They’re found in hard margarine, snack crackers, cookies, chips, and shortenings.
     Posted by: SSG

    Source:  http://www.webmd.com/cholesterol-management/foods-to-avoid-for-high-cholesterol


    Medical Office Manager

    “PART-TIME” Office Manager. Hours :T-W-Th-F 8/8:30-5/5:30, additional 2-3 hours at random.
    Office location is on Mercy campus -NW OKC
    Position to start Mid-January
    Need not apply if you have not had several years of medical office experience.

    Job requirements include:
    Scheduling, checking in and out patients
    Genuine people person, loves caring for and assisting our patients
    Experience dealing with health insurance companies and patients benefits for inquiry purposes.
    Accounts Payables/Receivables
    Computer skills
    Excellent phone and relationship skills with the public
    Highly organized, responsible and dependable
    We have a contracted billing company, billing is not part of this position responsibility.
    Must be able to multi-task and meet deadlines!

    You can visit our website at www.banisternutrition.com to find out more about who we are and what we do.
    Send resume to: [email protected]

    Coconut Products

    Most Asian and Pacific Islands believe that coconuts can cure many forms of sickness. Coconuts products consist of fiber, Vitamin C, a few B vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, iron and copper. There are studies that show coconuts a can improve cholesterol, blood pressure, and protect against heart disease. It also shows that it can help with weight loss and lower the risk or clogging arteries and type 2 diabetes.
    Coconut Water: This is clear liquid which is found inside young (green) coconuts. Consists of a natural sugar but no fat. It may be used as a sport drink. Add it to smoothies for extra potassium.

    Coconut Milk:  This is a white liquid which is pressed out of the coconut “meat.” It can be found in the dairy area in your supermarket. For people with diabetes, buy it without sugar. It can be added cereal, coffee, or smoothies. 


    Coconut Oil: This is a fat like any other oil. It consists of saturated fat, but scientists believe that it may not be bad for the heart. It has antioxidants that help keep the heart strong. Only use small amounts, it can be used as a substitute of butter. 
    Posted by: SSG
    Source: Diabetes & You, Fall 2013, Johanna Burani, MS, RD, CDE

    Foods to Avoid Before Bedtime

    Everyone wants to have a great nights rest without feeling bloated or uncomfortable in his or her stomach. There are various foods that may be harder to digest before bedtime, and may cause heartburn or nausea. Here are some foods that you may want to avoid prior to bedtime.

    High-fat foods not only make you gain weight, but they also have an affect on sleep cycles. A heavy meal activates digestion, which can lead to nighttime trips to the bathroom. Eating fried foods before bedtime can result in trouble falling to sleep due to stomach pains, cramping and acid reflux.
    Ice cream contains high amounts of fat, which is digested at a slow rate. It also contains a lot of sugar, which can keep you up.  
    Vegetables such as, broccoli, cabbage, onions and cauliflower are high in insoluble fiber that moves

    slowly the digestive system. These vegetables can make you full longer but also contain
    gas-producing qualities.

    These are just a few of the foods that you can avoid from affecting your nighttime bathroom runs. Avoiding these foods will lead to better nights rest.    
    Posted by: SSG

    Diabetes- Tips For Healthier Eating Before and After Events

    1. Plan ahead. Have a general idea of what you will eat.
    2. Be proactive. Browse the Web for recipe makeovers and read diabetes magazines for modified recipes.
    3. Plan time fore exercise. Go out for a walk the day of a gathering or event.
    4. Avoid sitting or standing near the food at get-togethers or parties.
    5. Avoid fasting all day or skipping meals in order to save calories for a gathering.
    6. Never arrive hungry to an event. Take the edge off you hunger with a piece of fruit and low-fat cheese stick or a small handful of nuts.
    7. Eat only special foods. Stay away from common foods such as potato chips, crackers, fatty dips, bread, cheeses, etc., and other foods that are not carb or fat-smart.
    8. Wait about three hours after the meal before eating the dessert you brought.
    9. Avoid seconds. Eat slowly. Fill up on vegetables. 
    10.  Savor the music and the guests at the party rather than focusing on the food.
    Posted by: SSG

    Source: Diabetes & You magazine, Fall 2013