Vitamin D

Vitamin D is linked to numerous health benefits. Studies have shown that vitamin D has a role in bone health and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, stroke and more. The recommendations for adults up to age 69 rose to 600 IU/day, and to 800 IU/day for adults starting at age 70. Older adults need more vitamin D because as they age, their skin does not produce vitamin D efficiently, that is because they spend less time outdoors, and don’t t get enough vitamin D.

Here are a few tips to increase vitamin D in your body:
  • Add dried shiitake mushrooms to fresh salmon for vitamin D-rich dinner.
  • Try Greek yogurt or cottage cheese to boost your vitamin D intake.


  • Take a 10-minute walk, without using sunscreen, in the sun to activate the vitamin D in your skin.


  • Be sure to get your vitamin D levels checked every year. You may need to take a supplement if your vitamin D levels are low or have high blood pressure. 

 Posted by: SSG

Source: Diabetes & You, Fall 2013, Susan Weiner, RD,MS,CDE, CDN;