Entries by Banister Nutrition

Cooking With Fat – Smoke Point

Saturated, unsaturated, olive, canola, lard, butter…the list could go on. There are many different varieties of fats which can lead to some confusion but the main topic we’re going to discuss is: smoke point. The “smoke point” of a fat refers to the temperature at which a fat begins to smoke (pretty straight-forward). Learning how […]

Heart-Healthy Meals for Your Sweetheart

We all know that a well-balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and unsaturated fats not only help with weight maintenance, but also with overall heart health. What could be a better gift to your sweetheart then a healthy heart for the years to come? Even though Valentine’s Day has come and […]

Chocolate, Chocolate, and More Chocolate

Is your mouth watering yet? Just the word “chocolate” makes me want some! With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we as Americans will buy at least $345 million worth of chocolate candies next week alone! This makes up approximately 5% of the yearly chocolate sales! Below is a chart I downloaded from the International […]

Lentils – A Middle Eastern Beauty

A member of the legume family (with things such as beans), lentils are what we call edible pulses (dried seeds grown in enclosed pods). Lentils are very high in protein and fiber; one cup cooked contains 18g of protein and 16g of fiber. A one cup serving is also an excellent source of folate, iron, […]

Inflammation and Food

Inflammation is a sign of injury or illness. Increased inflammation in your body can be a risk factor (or symptom) for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Your diet and lifestyle can increase or decrease the amount of inflammation in your body. Here are some tips to help decrease the amount of inflammation in […]

Chicken Sausage, White Bean and Kale Soup

As we start the New Year, the temperatures continue to chill us, the leaves are gone, the days stay short and the air continues to crisp. It can only mean one thing: Time to make soup! Grab your ladles and start simmering… We are “souping” with style. I pulled this recipe from the Academy of […]

The Latest Dietitian Approved Health Apps

Technology is everywhere in today’s world. Most people have a smart phone and are on their smart phone all throughout the day. A recent study by Kleiner Perkins Caugield and Byers found that the average user checks their phone approximately 150 times/day! With apps galore the opportunities are endless. Check out some of the latest nutrition […]

Predicted Nutrition Trends for 2016

Much like fashion, nutrition trends come and go frivolously in hopes of being one that will stick with consumers. Published in Today’s Dietitian magazine, registered dietitians from across the nation weighed in on what products they think will be “trending” this coming year. Here are a few things they foresee: Souping – “Souping is the new […]

Banister Nutrition’s Holiday Tips for Managing Food

Holidays can be tough when it comes to managing food and drinks in relation to our weight. How do you even begin to stay balanced with snacks and sweets around every corner? We decided to have our Registered Dietitians weigh in with some tips and tricks to help you tackle the holiday food challenges! Here […]

Top Stress-Reducing Foods

Unfortunately, one of the number one things that seems to come with the holidays is stress. Dinner parties, family get-togethers, gift shopping, hosting, planning, ahhhhh stress!! While we’d all like to never have stress at all, sometimes it’s just part of life and we have to deal with it. The good news is that there […]