Air Fryers:  What’s all the Hype About?

It seems like air fryers have become a favorite go-to for busy college students and singles. Why?  They cook quickly and can cook a wide variety of foods. Plus – not only are air fryers amazing kitchen gadgets, they save 70-80% of calories compared to traditional frying because they require very little to no oil. And they’re not just for frying. Did you know you can also use air fryers to bake chicken or roast veggies? Actually, roasting veggies this way makes them crisp and you can use any seasonings you wish. You can even use frozen veggies. 

Here are some additional reasons people are hyped up about air fryers:

  • They can do everything an oven can without heating your house up! We all love to save a little money where we can, am I right?
  • They are also great for reheating leftovers that normally would be soggy.
  • You can put ANYTHING in the air fryer for a quick meal. Check out recipes online for some ideas. One fun dinner I made in my air fryer was toasted ravioli!

Some foods you can cook in an air fryer:

Proteins: chicken, salmon, steak, shrimp, sausage, bacon, pork chops

Veggies: asparagus, zucchini, squash, green beans, brussels sprouts, carrots, butternut squash, broccoli, potatoes 

Other: chicken parmesan, ravioli, stuffed peppers, grilled cheese

Worth the hype? Maybe so!