4 Simple Ways to Add More Fiber

Before we dive into our top 4 tips to add more fiber, you might be wondering, What exactly is fiber? And why do we need it?”

What is fiber? Fiber is found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, and legumes. It passes through our body because fiber can’t be digested. There are two types of fiber. Soluble fiber which dissolves in water and insoluble fiber which does not dissolve in water.

Soluble fiber foods: Oatmeal, potatoes with skin, lentils, peas, and beans

Insoluble fiber foods: Whole-wheat flour, nuts/seeds, quinoa, fruits, and vegetables

Why do we need fiber? Fiber keeps us full for longer, controls our blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol, and aids in our digestion.

Now that we know what fiber is and why we need it, let’s look at 4 simple ways to add more fiber.

  1. Look at the nutrition facts label
    Explore the fiber content in different snack bars, tortillas, pastas, rice, cereals, and breads. Choose the brand with more fiber! Aim for food items that have at least 2 grams of fiber per serving.
  2. Add legumes and beans
    Add beans to salads, incorporate into your morning eggs, or mix them into your next casserole dish. Beans could be made into a delicious dip! Paired with whole grain crackers, it makes for a great high fiber snack!
  3. Choose to eat the peel
    Removing the peel from fruits and vegetables actually removes the fiber! For reference, an unpeeled apple has nearly twice the amount of fiber than a peeled apple.
  4. Use whole-wheat flour
    For recipes requiring flour, try substituting half the amount of flour with whole-wheat flour. Give it a try next time you whip up pancakes, muffins, or any baked goods!