Oklahoma Food Cooperative: Organic, Locally-Grown Products

The Oklahoma Food Cooperative is a statewide organization of local producers hoping to reach consumers in search of “home-grown” foods.  This cooperative allows consumers to purchase fruits, vegetables, meats, and dozens of other products without mystery ingredients or modifications. By visiting their website at www.oklahomafood.coop, consumers are presented with hundreds of products to shop for. Every item offered is from Oklahoma and must meet the national certification standards for organic, certified naturally grown and animal welfare products.

The cooperative opens on the first day of each month and accepts orders until the second Thursday. Producers receiving orders are given a week to deliver, where consumers can pick up their orders from any of the pickup locations which can also be found on their website.  The cooperative offers multiple locations throughout the metro as well as home and/or work delivery for an extra fee.

Purchasing local foods not only offers a sense of community, but it also provides Oklahomans with foods that are free of chemicals, vibrant in color, and rich in taste and nutrition.  This co-op has continually grown as more people begin to recognize the importance of supporting local agriculture. In 2006 the cooperative contained 723 members and today contains more than 5,000 statewide. If you are looking for products straight from the farm and wanting to support your local farmers, this organization is definitely for you! sy