“I Just Want to Eat Normally”

I want to quit worrying about what I eat. I want to quit worrying about my weight. I want to quit worrying about what my stomach looks like. I want to quit worrying about what I look like. I want to quit staying home because I know I don’t look good in my clothes. I want to quit feeling guilty about what I do eat. I want to quit feeling guilty about what I don’t eat. I really just want to quit feeling, especially about my food and my body. I want to start living …… living FREE of all of this food and body stuff!

OK …..We Get You!
The dietitians at Banister and Associates LLC are focused on setting you FREE!
Does the preceding paragraph describe those of you dealing with a restrictive eating disorder such as anorexia, binge eating disorder (BED), bulimia or the usual overweight struggles that can’t seem to be resolved? The answer is “all of the preceding.”

In my 32 years of counseling, the agonizing struggles and pain of underweight/overweight, under eating/overeating all have the same, dismal melody. I have frequently been asked ‘how do you help someone who is 20% overweight (obese) followed by someone who is 20% underweight (anorexic)?’ It’s actually easy — quite often there are very similar, underlying emotional issues which affect food and activity choices resulting in different physical appearances. An additional major common denominator is that everyone has the same goal in mind…. peace with food and self. FREEDOM from the constant mental anguish which steals your time, produces great disharmony in your life and disguises your body as something it is not!

A place of relaxed eating is a place of serenity. Relaxed eating is the ability to be at ease with the social, emotional and physical components of food and eating. It is being able to recognize gut hunger and respond appropriately by providing yourself with nourishment, until you reach a feeling of satiety(appropriate fullness). Relaxed eating encourages pleasurable, whimsical eating with flexibility and freedom from guilt or remorse. It is loving who you are and eating what you love. It is enjoying the fresh baked bread or cookies right as they come out of the oven, even when you are not hungry because we all know that is when it tastes the best! It allows you to eat based on your intuitive hunger in the moment, which can be more or less depending on the instance. Relaxed eating IS NOT following a meal plan or diet rules . It is trusting your mind and your body through self-care and self-love. Relaxed eating stems from a strong connection between mind, body and self-awareness.
How many years or decades have you been unhappy, stressed, frustrated, depressed about your relationship with food and your body? Consider a different approach rather than another diet plan, diet pill, or diet gimmick.

Consider ‘Rules and Rigidity generally = Rebellion, not Relaxation!’ cb

Everyone Needs to Eat!!

Good nutrition is important for everyone.  33 million Americans, are hungry, do not have enough to eat on a regular basis, or do not have the money or assistance to get enough food to maintain active, healthy lives.  More than 1 million Seniors living alone do not have enough food to eat on a regular basis or rely on food banks and charities.  Community mobile meal organizations are there to try and fill the need.  These programs rely on the donations of private individuals, businesses, social and civic organizations, churches and federal programs.  Grants and foundations are able to provide additional sources of revenue to support the efforts to provide meals.  Many mobile meal programs do not have age or income restrictions but some do depending on how they are funded.
Hot, nourishing meals are provided Monday – Friday and delivered to the frail and disabled who are unable to prepare meals for themselves.  In addition, providing meals to individuals recovering from a hospitalization or illness temporarily is an important part of their service.   Another purpose of mobile meal programs is human interaction.  The benefits of human contact and conversation is far reaching especially where human nutrition is concerned.
March For Meals is an annual campaign designed to raise awareness of senior hunger and to encourage action at the local level. Senior Nutrition Programs across the United States promote March For Meals in their communities through public events, partnerships with local businesses, volunteer recruitment efforts and fundraising initiatives. March 20th is Mayors for Meals Day nationwide.  The Mayor from Edmond will be delivering meals through local programs to show support.  In 2012, over 1500 mayors and elected from across the nation participated.
How can you help and get involved?  All of these programs rely heavily on the work of volunteers and donations.  Some positions are more time consuming than others but be assured there is a place for you!  If a gift of time is not feasible for you, consider making a cash donation and supporting your local program.  From a personal perspective, I have been an Edmond Mobile Meal volunteer for 2 years and can say without a doubt it is one of my most fullfilling jobs.  The time committment is small and who could turn down free smiles, warm hugs and friendly handshakes from the recipents?
Below are local Oklahoma City programs that you can contact.
Edmond Mobile Meals                   Mobile Meals of Oklahoma Co
25 W. 3rd Street                            651 North Brookline  Suite 123
Edmond, OK 73003                      Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Phone: 405-341-3111                  Phone: 405-607-2314

Insight into One Patient’s Journey with an Eating Disorder


Struggling with an eating disorder looks like an issue with food. In actuality, eating disorders are emotional and physical problems, frequently control issues, that manifest as ‘food control’. Every new patient who walks through the doors at Banister and Associates has a unique story and foundation for the roots of their disorder. Regardless of the reason, eating disorders are serious illnesses across all ages, genders and races that must be treated diligently.
Some patients may struggle for only a short period of time (6-12 mo), if there is early recognition of the disordered eating and counseling started immediately. For others the road to recovery can take years. A patient of Carol’s for several years, Stacee Goetzinger, recently made a very courageous decision to share her eating disorder story. Stacee was approached to create a video that captures valuable segments of her story in a very dramatic way. The video is being used as a promotional piece for The Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma Women’s Ministry Spring Conference. Stacee’s video can be seen here: http://vimeo.com/55939119
We applaud her bravery and strength in sharing glimpses into her life with ED  (eating disorder). Stacee’s deep commitment to the extensive and exhaustive work of recovery is uniquely displayed in this video of a beautiful woman and a beautiful vase.

National Nutrition Month March 2013


March is National Nutrition Month and at Banister and Associates, we are implementing a program called 
 ‘BITEME, which is a campaign to increase our patient’s consumption and awareness of fruits and vegetables.
Less than 20% of Oklahomans get their recommended 5 servings a day of fruits and vegetables.
 We want to encourage YOU to increase your consumption and will be presenting a different fruit or vegetable each week in our office, to offer our patients. sls 




GOUT sounds like a gross word. But its a stark reality for more than 8.3 million Americans. The prevalence of gout in the U.S. has risen over the last twenty years and affects at least 4% of Americans. Gout affects more than just men, although it is commonly thought of as an ‘older male’ condition. Male to female incidence ratios are approximately 3:1. The healthcare costs for treating gout have been estimated at approximately anywhere from $332-$663/year, depending on severity and patient age.(

What is gout?
Gout is a form of arthritis and is caused by an excess of uric acid in the blood. The uric acid deposits in the joints, and this inflammation is painful. The pain usually starts in the toe and goes up the leg. Oftentimes, people cannot wear their shoes or walk normally.
What is a gout attack?
A gout attack is sudden pain, often with fever, chills, and fatigue. An attack can last several days. Stress, alcohol, drugs, crash diets, or another illness can cause an attack. Another attack may not occur for a long time and often seems to occur at random.
What causes gout?
The exact cause is unknown, however it may possibly be genetic. Purines, naturally found in animal meats and other proteins has been linked to increased uric acid in the body, therefore increasing the risk of developing gout.


Other risk factors include
·  Heavy alcohol use (especially beer)
·  Diabetes
·  High blood pressure
·  Obesity
·  Sickle-cell anemia
·  Kidney disease
·  Certain medicines (may also increase risk)
Can diet exacerbate gout?
A diet high in meat and saturated fats, alcohol intake, obesity, and some medications are all associated with gout. As stated above, obesity or even significant weight gain has been linked to gout and weight loss lowers your risk. 

What should I avoid?

If you are at increased risk, your diet may require some adjustments to lower uric acid levels in your body. To help manage your gout:

·  Drink plenty of nonalcoholic fluids during or between attacks (this is important)
·  Limit your alcohol intake
·  Limit the following foods:
      Organ meats (brain, kidney, and heart)
      Shellfish, such as scallops and mussels
      Fish eggs
      Meats, poultry, and fish (you can have 4−6 ounces/day)
      Dried beans
      Dried peas


If you have gout and need a diet to alleviate your symptoms, a registered dietitian is the most qualified professional to develop a plan specifically for you. sls

Food Facts! Chia Seeds

When you hear “chia” your first thought may be of the green fur or hair of Chia Pets, collectible clay figurines. But did you know that chia seeds can also be a healthful addition to your diet? Chia seeds come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family. The seed is often sold under its common name “chia”, as well as several trademarked names. Chia seeds were a staple in the ancient Aztec diet and it’s origin is thought to be from Central America.

Chia seeds have recently gained attention in the United States as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acid. They are also an excellent source of fiber at 10 grams per ounce (about 2 tablespoons), and contain protein and minerals including as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. All of these minerals are essential for metabolic functions in our body. Some athletes find that chia seeds are excellent performance food due to their nutrient density, so you could them as pre-workout fuel. (*Be mindful that 10g of fiber will require adequate hydration and may cause digestive trouble. Ease into it!)

Emerging research suggests that including chia seeds as part of a healthy diet may help improve cardiovascular risk factors such as lowering cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. However, there are not many published studies on the health benefits of consuming chia seeds and much of the available information is based on animal studies or human studies with a small number of research participants.

How to Eat Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can be eaten raw or prepared in a number of dishes. Sprinkle ground or whole chia seeds on cereal, rice, yogurt or vegetables. Chia seeds are very absorbent and develop a gelatinous texture when soaked in water making it easy to mix them into cooked cereal or other dishes. There are chia seed drinks that are quite thick, somewhat chewy and fizzy. They come in different flavors, so you can probably find one you like! A brand I have tried is ‘Synergy’ and I think it is quite good. I am not particularly keen on the texture, with the gelatinous, chewy nature of the drink. The seeds are not the only important part of the chia plant; the sprouts are also edible. Try adding them to salads, sandwiches and other dishes.

This would be the perfect example of a ‘good’ energy drink, not loaded with copious amounts of caffeine but nutrients to boost your metabolism and energy.

Have you tried chia seeds? What do you think? sls

Source: http://www.eatright.org/Public/content.aspx?id=6442472548

The Food Hospital

I stumbled upon a television show that speaks to what we strive to communicate to our patients- finding a healthy balance of using food as medicine, to prevent and minimize disease. ‘The Food Hospital’ is a series on the Cooking Channel which ‘examines the science behind using food as medicine. In experiments conducted with strict scientific rigour, patients suffering from a range of medical conditions and symptoms are invited to attend The Food Hospital where they are prescribed specific food treatment programs to find out if their health problems can be alleviated or cured by the food they eat.’

The expert team consists of a physician, dietitian and gastrointestinal surgeon. They are all trained, respected professionals that have a common value of the importance diet and health. Patients experiencing conditions such as GOUT, depression, PCOS, disordered eating, migraines, Crohn’s Disease, eczema, and many more turn to this team at The Food Hospital, because they continue to struggle with their condition despite previous traditional medical treatments.

The shows are an hour and highlight 3-4 patients with various conditions. The patient comes to The Food Hospital and discusses their situation with the physician. Lab work has been ordered previous to their visit, therefore they typically have the results at the time of the meeting. As patients explain their symptoms, the physician points out any elevated or deficient markers in the patient’s blood work to provide a possible explanation. They discuss important follow-up steps and a plan for treatment.

Next, the patient meets with Lucy, the dietitian, and she explains what nutrients they need to incorporate or remove from their diet in order to comply with the treatment plan. She often shows them how to cook or prepare an appropriate meal and this alleviates some anxiety the patient’s have for rearranging their diet and eating lifestyle.

After a period of time, each patient returns and their followup appointment is a highlight of the second part of the television program. Commonly, when the patient has been diligent with their treatment plan, positive results are seen and the patient is on the road to recovery.

This program emphasizes the connection of health through food and the science behind how diet affects our body. If you haven’t had a chance to watch, you can catch up on the entire season 1, found here. sls

Nuts for Nuts

Ever wonder what is so great about nuts? As part of a heart healthy diet, some nuts low in saturated fat have been linked to reducing the risk of heart disease. Tree nuts, such as almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, some pine-nuts, pistachios, and walnuts all provide a healthy dose of mono- and polyunsaturated fats, and clock in under 4 grams of saturated fat per 50 gram serving.  These nuts are plant-based proteins that contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

The USDA approves the ‘health claim’ that eating 1.5 ounces/day of these nuts as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce heart disease risk.  
So are some nuts better than others, nutritionally speaking? Each nut is a bit different, so lumping them into a single category isn’t exactly fair. Nuts provide anywhere from 160 – 200 calories per ounce, which indicates a different ratio of fat in the varieties. The important thing to remember is portion size. 1 ounce of macadamias is only 10-12 nuts, whereas 1 ounce of almonds is about 25 nuts.
Learn the facts and how to easily incorporate them in your diet.
Nutrition Boon
Common Eats
157 calories
Copper, Magnesium
Soft crunch, sweet
Raw or roasted as snack, nut butter
14 halves
185 calories
Omega 3 Fatty acids (ALA), antioxidants
Mild, buttery, meaty texture
Salad topping, oil used in dressings
19 halves
196 calories
Mono-unsaturated fat, antioxidants
Sweet, mellow, meaty texture
Seasoned snack, protein coating, or in desserts
Brazil Nuts
185 calories
selenium 100%DV, poly- & monounsat. fats
Creamy texture, slightly crunchy
Raw or roasted snack, confections
204 calories
Higher fat- mostly monounsaturated, manganese
Smooth, buttery, rich flavor
Raw or roasted, cookies or chocolate coating
170 calories
Vit E, folate, calcium, magnesium
Crunchy, strong flavor
Nut butter, savory and sweet dishes, raw snack
160 calories
Antioxidants, low in fat
Sweet, slightly bitter, mild
Beautiful color for salads, grain dishes or protein coating, baklava
Pine Nuts
191 calories
Vitamin E, phosphorus,
Light, delicate, soft bite
Pesto, pastas, breads, sautes, salads
178 calories
Mono-unsat fat, Vitamin E, copper, manganese
Mild, crunchy
Pairs well with citrus, sweet, chocolate

Content inspiration and resource: Food & Nutrition Academy Magazine Jan/Feb 2013(R.Begun)

Paula Deen Shares About Her Type 2 Diabetes on Rachel Ray


Rachel Ray had Paula Deen and Bobby Deen on her show this morning.  As you all have probably heard- this famous southern belle announced early last year (2012) that she has Type 2 Diabetes.  What caught my ear this morning was her exclaiming that her A1c was now within normal range at 5.8. Rachel was asking her if that was ‘good’ and she said she had been working hard to get it under control. See a clip here:
Paula partnered with NovoNordisk, who makes a diabetes drug and her diagnosis has led her to a weight loss of more than 40 pounds. She discussed on the show today that starting in January, she started to really control her diet. Although she had been on the diabetes drug- she decided to ‘walk the walk’, rather than simply ‘talk the talk’, in her words. 
Paula’s success is shared with her family as her support system embarked on their own weight loss journey as well. Some sources report her son’s Jaime and Bobby have lost 45 and 33 pounds, respectively and her husband Michael has shed 77 pounds!
Bobby Deen is in the spotlight these days with a hit show on the Cooking Channel, ‘Not My Mama’s Meals’. He takes his mom’s delicious, yet heavy recipes and creates lighter versions. He showcases the differences in nutrient content between the recipes.  I have watched the show several times and think his approach is great- enjoying comfort-food classics with a healthy twist. Regardless of the inspiration for his lighter cooking- his efforts support his family’s health and the challenge Paula faces with her diabetes. With her son’s support and efforts to lead a healthier lifestyle- Paula is successfully controlling her diabetes and STILL cooking! This clip shares Paula’s advice for loved ones ‘sabotaging’ your weight loss efforts.
I wanted to share this story with you today because facing the challenges of controlling Type 2 Diabetes and/or weight loss requires more than knowledge. In addition, you need support and a determination to continue living your life with adjustments necessary for your health. As you can see, Paula is still cooking but she has made some major changes and has her family involved.  
Inspiring, if you ask me! sls

Color Confusion- RED vs WHITE MEAT

Although it may be undeniable that white meat is typically more healthful than red, what makes a meat ‘red’? You may be surprised that it’s not just color.

Of course we are familiar with beef, pork and lamb as ‘red meat’, however in some culinary contexts, veal is considered white meat. Although poultry and fish are typically considered ‘white’, duck and goose are often considered ‘red’. Other flightless birds such as ostrich and emu are considered red meat. Salmon looks quite orange/dark to be considered a white meat, if you ask me.
So what clarifies an animal protein as red or white meat? The USDA offers several explanations:
~    Higher myoglobin concentration and slow twitch muscle fibers within the animal indicate ‘red’ classification
~  Depending on the pH of an animal’s flesh, they are considered ‘red’ or ‘white’
So if the classification of meat goes beyond color, consumers need to know more about what is actually in the food we eat, rather than simply- ‘does this look red or white?’
Nutrients in Red Meat
Although protein rich, foods classified as ‘red meat’ are typically higher in saturated fat, cholesterol and heme iron- all of which are linked to the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, respectively. The adverse consequences of consuming red meat should not entirely be attributed to diet, but lifestyle. According to the primary investigator of the ‘Nurses’ Health Study II and the ‘Health Professionals Follow-Up Study’, Dr. Walter Willet of Harvard School of Public Health analyzes that people who eat the most beef, pork and lamb live less healthful lives. They tend to eat fewer vegetables, exercise less and are more likely to smoke. These factors in conjunction with red meat are what contribute to red meat’s ‘bad rap’.
That being said, not all of the nutrients mentioned- saturated fat, cholesterol, iron and fat are consistent across the meat categories: red versus white. The following chart gives an explanation and color-coding for common ‘red’ and ‘white’ meat.
A better knowledge and moderation of various meats can fit into a healthy diet. Just be sure you are balancing your meat protein with whole grains, vegetables and fruit. sls
Source: Food and Nutrition Magazine: Jan/Feb 2013 (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)