Supplements vs. Whole Foods

Supplements can replace the vitamins and minerals in the body, but can’t replicate all the nutrients and benefits of whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, which lower risk of many diseases, including heart diseases, stroke, diabetes and cancer.
Some of the benefits of obtaining micro-nutrients from whole foods over dietary supplements are:
  • Whole foods come along with variety of other nutrients. Such as a citrus fruit which provides vitamin C plus other essential nutrients such as potassium, folate, calcium, and variety of phytochemicals. A vitamin C supplement lacks these other micronutrients.
  • Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes, are a good source of dietary fibre. This is very important in prevention of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and it can also help manage constipation.
  • Fruits and vegetables have phytochemicals in them, which may help protect you against cancer, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.


Who needs supplements?
If you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency, such as iron deficiency, conditions such osteoporosis, then taking a supplement is required. Nutrition guidelines also recommend supplements or use of fortified foods in addition of eating a variety of different foods during pregnancy. Your health care provider should recommend this to you.

Posted by: SSG


Truths About Tea

Flavonoids in both black and green tea prevent oxidation of LDL-cholesterol (or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), reduce blood clotting and improve widening of blood vessels in the heart. Studies that looked at the relationship of black tea intake and heart health reported decreased incidence of heart attack, lower cholesterol levels and significantly lower blood pressure.

Effect on Teeth:
Japanese researchers in 2010 reported at least one cup of green tea per day was associated with significantly decreased odds for tooth loss. There have been other studies that have suggested tea may lower the pH of the tooth surface, suppressing the growth of periodontal bacteria. A more likely reason for tea’s anti-cariogenic effect is its fluoride content. Tea usually is brewed with fluoridated water and the tea plant naturally accumulates fluoride from the soil.
The caffeine content of every tea is different depending on the kind of tea used and the way it is brewed. Typical levels for tea are less than half that of coffee, ranging from 20mg to 60mg per 8 ounces, compared to 50mg to 300mg in coffee. Studies found no negative effects on hydration with intakes of up to 400mg of caffeine per day (the amount in about seven cups of the strongest brewed tea).
Posted by: SSG

History of Eating Disorders

Do you think Karen Carpenter was the first real case of an eating disorder? The historical development of eating disorders takes us back centuries which is mind boggling.

Binge eating, consumption of large amounts of food in a relatively short period of time followed by purging (vomitting) is referred to as the binge-purge cycle which is an ancient behavior. Romans and Greeks engaged in this behavior only so they could eat more, it was not for the purpose of losing weight. In the Roman culture around 300 B.C. if you were wealthy enough you possibly would have a vomitorium behind your main residence. Following a large feast you might excuse yourself to the vomitorium to rid yourself of the food just consumed so you could continue feasting.

Cretans supposedly developed a drug that would allow them to eat as much as they wanted and not gain weight which made the Greeks around 300 B.C. very envious. Being thin was a high priority of the Greeks. The Greek philosopher Socrates was known to dance every morning to keep his weight down. Plato another Greek philospher was permitted to be plump because of his high intellect. CB

Eating for Eye Health

Have dry eyes? Salmonhas omega-3 fatty acids that can help alleviate the problem. It also includes vitamin D, which helps protect against macular degeneration.
Strawberries contain plenty of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that can help lower your risk of cataracts.
Kale is a rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are related to vitamin A and beta carotene, and are believed to protect eye tissues from sunlight damage and reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.
Sweet Potatoes are a good source of beta carotene, which may slow progress of macular degeneration. Your body converts beta carotene to vitamin A, a nutrient that helps prevent dry eyes and night blindness. Beta carotene and vitamin A also help fight off eye infections.
Posted by: SSG


Sweet Lovers Substitutes

Have a craving for sweets all the time? Here’s a few alternate choices for people with a huge sweet tooth:
Choose Fruit Spritzer instead of Soft Drinks: Have an addiction to soft drinks? Juices such as cranberry, orange, grapefruit, and apple are a good way to make spritzers. They are good sources of vitamins A and C. Mix 50 percent juice with 50 percent carbonated or soda water, and just add a few ice cubes!
Choose Dried Fruitinstead of Sweets: Raisins and prunes are not the only options for dried fruits. Try dried kiwis, pineapples, cherries, peaches, apricots, and mangoes. These tasty fruits will give you a healthy burst of energy, especially when you have a craving for candy!
Choose Frozen Yogurt instead of Ice Cream: Non-fat frozen yogurt almost tastes like the real thing, with less fat. Natural frozen yogurt shops are all over the place, and many supermarkets carry some in their freezer section. Yogurt toppings can be a great addition, choose healthy toppings such as, a drizzle of honey, a sprinkle of granola, or top it off with strawberries and dark chocolate shavings for extra tastiness.
Posted by: SSG

Non-Dairy Milk Alternatives

Are you a vegan? If so, avoiding dairy can be extremely hard. People who are trying to avoid non-dairy drinks should look for other milk alternatives fortified with calcium, and Vitamins D and
Here is a list of non-dairy milk alternatives:
Almond: lower in calories and sugar than other milk alternatives. It is high in Vitamin E and low in protein.
Soy: thicker than other non-dairy milk alternatives, it has the most protein of non-dairy milks and is good as a creamer in coffee.
Coconut: mad of coconut ‘meat” blended with water. It has a higher fat content than other non-dairy milk alternatives and contains some saturated fat. Coconut beverage in a carton is best for drinking, while the canned version is richer and food for making curries.
Oat: provides fiber and iron, but is low in protein. It contains phytochemicals, which may help prevent heart disease.
Hemp: made of soaked hemp seeds ground with water and contains omega-3 fats. This milk alternative is good in baked foods because it doesn’t have an obtrusive flavor.


Rice:cholesterol-free and good for people with nut or soy allergies, but it is also low in protein and high in carbohydrates when compared to other non-dairy milks. It is generally the thinnest non-dairy milk.
Posted by: SSG

Source: Food & Nutrition July/Aug 2013; Volume 2, Issue 4

3 Red White & Blue Recipes

Red, White & Blue Potato Salad
Makes: 4 1/2 cups
Active Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 55 minutes
2 pounds baby potatoes, a mix of white and blue (or purple)
1/4 cup lemon juice
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground pepper to taste
3/4 cup chopped roasted red peppers, rinsed
4 scallions, thinly sliced
1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
1) Place potatoes in a large saucepan or Dutch oven and cover with lightly salted water.
2) Bring to a boil and cook until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water. Transfer to a cutting board. Let cool for 20 minutes.
3) Whisk lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Cut the potatoes in half, add to the bowl and toss to coat.
4) Just before serving, add peppers, scallions and mint to the salad and toss gently.
Per serving: 206 calories; 7 g fat ( 1 g sat , 5 g mono ); 0 mg cholesterol; 30 g carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 4 g protein; 3 g fiber; 441 mg sodium; 744 mg potassium.
Mini Berry Cream Pies
Makes: 15 mini pies
Active Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
1/4 cup whipping cream
2 teaspoons sugar
1/4 cup nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt
15 frozen mini phyllo cups (1.9-ounce package)
15 fresh blueberries
15 fresh raspberries
Beat cream in a small bowl until soft peaks form. Add sugar; beat until stiff. Fold in yogurt. Divide the yogurt cream among phyllo cups, keeping the cups in their plastic tray. Top each with 1 blueberry and 1 raspberry. Serve immediately, or chill for up to 4 hours.
Per serving: 33 calories; 2 g fat ( 1 g sat , 0 g mono ); 5 mg cholesterol; 3 g carbohydrates; 1 g added sugars; 1 g protein; 0 g fiber; 11 mg sodium; 7 mg potassium.
Red, White & Blue Popsicles
Makes: About 10 (3-ounce) freezer pops
Active Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 6 hours 10 minutes
1 1/2 cups blueberries
1 cup raspberries
2 cups limeade
1) Divide blueberries and raspberries among freezer-pop molds. Pour limeade over the berries. Insert the sticks and freeze until completely firm, about 6 hours. Dip the molds briefly in hot water before unmolding.
Per pop: 45 calories; 0 g fat ( 0 g sat , 0 g mono ); 0 mg cholesterol; 12 g carbohydrates; 6 g added sugars; 0 g protein; 1 g fiber; 2 mg sodium; 41 mg potassium.
Posted by: SSG

Healthy Road Trip Snacks

Going on a road trip this summer? Here are a few healthy snacks you and your family can enjoy!
Ants on a log: This snack is perfect for any age.  Prepare these treats ahead of time by taking a slice of celery, swiping it with peanut butter, and adding a few raisins on top. Put them into a closed container and you’re ready to hit the road!
Veggies or wheat thins and hummus dip: Carrot sticks, celery, and broccoli can easily be chopped in advance and tossed in your cooler. Each vegetable go well with hummus, the traditional Middle Eastern dip made from chickpeas. With 63% less fat than ranch dressing, this dip makes veggies more delightful without the empty calories.
Popcorn: Don’t have time to prepare a snack? Companies offer packaged popcorn with light flavoring. It’s a better alternative to potato chips, especially if you pick up a low-sodium variety. It is low in saturated fats and cholesterol, but high in fiber. A great snack that only takes a minute! 

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated!!

Posted by: SSG


Artificial Sweetners- For Diabetics

Sweeteners, whether they be nutritive which provide calories, or non-nutritive which do not provide calories, are added to a multitude of foods and beverages. Nutritive sweeteners fall under the category of foods called “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Non-nutritive sweeteners, more commonly referred to as artificial sweeteners, have been used for decades to add a sweet flavor to foods without adding significant calories or promoting tooth decay. Many foods containing artificial sweeteners still have calories and carbs, so be sure to check the nutrition facts label.
There are five artificial sweeteners that have been tested and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
  • acesulfame potassium (also called acesulfame K)
  • aspartame
  • saccharin
  • sucralose
  • neotame


 Posted by: SSG



Making healthy choices can be a challenge. Here are just a few facts on foods that may taste better, but not be the best choice.
Grilled vs. Fried Chicken
Roasted or grilled chicken is a better choice than fried or breaded chicken because it is lower in calories and fat.
Wheat vs. White Pasta
Whole wheat pasta, like whole wheat bread, has soluble fiber, which may help lower cholesterol. There is a possibility it may help you stay full longer.
Sweet vs. White Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a better nutritional choice than white potatoes because they have a lower glycemic index, which means the effect on blood sugar is slower. Sweet potatoes also contain beta-carotene and Vitamin A.
Posted by: SSG