Foods For Fall

Pumpkin: High percentage of vitamin A, carotenoids and fiber. Pumpkin seeds are a great snack, are concentrated sources of vitamins, fiber, minerals and antioxidants. They also contain an amino acid proven to boost your mood.
Pears: High fiber fruit, pears offer about six grams of fiber. A high-fiber diet helps to keep your blood sugar level stable, cholesterol levels down, and is linked to heart benefits as well as a reduced risk of certain cancers.Pears also contain vitamins C, K, B2, B3 and B6 in addition to calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium and manganese.
Cauliflower: Low in calories with only 26 per 100 grams. The flower head contains several anti-cancer phytochemicals and is an excellent source of vitamin C; 100 grams provides about 80 percent of the daily recommended value. It also has a proven antioxidant that helps fight against free radicals while boosting immunity and preventing infections. If you love mashed potatoes, mash cauliflower instead for an better alternative with about a quarter of the calories and an equal amount of tastiness.

Phytochemicals’ Lead To Good Health

What are phytochemicals?
Phytochemicals, also known as phytonutrients, are commonly found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, beans, herbs, spices, nuts, seeds, and are classified according to their chemical structures and functional properties. There are various terms to describe phytochemicals, such as, flavonoids, flavonols, proanthocyanidins, procyanidins.
Cardiovascular Disease: Soy, cocoa, and black and green teas have been studied extensively, and the consumption of each one is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. The consumption of whole grains rich with phytochemicals also lower blood pressure, which aids in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Cancer: The consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as well as dietary patterns such as the Mediterranean diet that emphasize these foods, have been associated with a reduced risk of several types of cancer, including breast, lung, and colon.
Type 2 Diabetes: Research suggest that phytochemical rich foods may decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes, most likely by reducing inflammation and improving insulin sensitivity, and indirectly by preventing weight gain, the most important risk factor of the disease. Studies have shown that the polyphenols in tea and cocoa also may contribute to improved insulin sensitivity and lower type 2 diabetes.
Source: Todays Dietitian, Vol. 15 No. 9, September 2013

Healthy Eating Decreases Risk of Depression


A healthy diet may reduce the risk of severe depression, according to a prospective follow-up study of more than 2,000 men conducted at the University of Eastern Finland. Depressed individuals often have a poor quality of diet and decreased intake of nutrients.
“The study reinforces the hypothesis that a healthy diet has potential not only in the warding off of depression, but also in its prevention,” says Ms Anu Ruusunen which presented this in her doctoral thesis in nutritional epidemiology.
A healthy diet characterized by vegetables, fruits, berries, whole-grains, poultry, fish and low-fat cheese was associated with a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms and a lower risk of depression during the follow-up period. Folate was also associated with a decreased risk of depression foods such as vegetables, fruits, berries, whole-grains, meat and liver are the most important dietary sources of folate.
Compared to an unhealthy diet characterized by consuming high amounts of sausages, processed meats, sugar-containing desserts and snacks, sugary drinks, manufactured foods, french rolls and baked or processed potatoes was associated with an increased prevalence of elevated depressive symptoms.
Depression is one of the leading health challenges in the world and its effects on public health and quality of life are vast. If you are dealing with depression, make your first choice today by living a healthy and nutritious lifestyle.


Source: Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, European Journal of Nutrition, Public Health Nutritionand Diabetic Medicine.

Therapeutic Properties of Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in vitamin A, iron, vitamin K, B-complex vitamins, zinc, phosphorus and nutrients. Over recent years researchers  have identified a wide range of therapeutic properties associated with broccoli.
Prevent osteoarthritisa British study revealed that broccoli contains a compound called sulfophane which may help fight osteoarthritis.
Protect your skin against the effects of UV light broccoli may help prevent skin care, not by eating it though, but by applying it directly to the skin. An article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that the damaging effects of UV(ultraviolet) radiation can be appreciably reduced with the topical application of a broccoli extract.  
Reverse diabetes heart damage eating broccoli promotes the production of enzymes that help protect heart blood vessels and reduce the molecules that damage them. 
Reduce cancer risk eat broccoli just three times each month and you could potentially reduce the chance of developing bladder cancer by around 40 percent, according to experts at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, USA.

Tips For A Gluten-Free Vegetarian

It’s very important for everyone with celiac disease to get enough iron, calcium, vitamin D, fiber and B vitamins (including B12), because these are often absent due to damage from the disease process and eating patterns often seen in gluten-free diets. Pair that with a vegetarian diet,which can be lacking in protein, iron, calcium, B12, omega fats, and vitamin D, and can be easy to miss out on necessary nutrients.

Here are just a few tips on maintaining a nutrients that you need: 

  • Focus on typical vegetarian staples that are gluten-free like beans, lentils, tofu, dairy, nuts, seeds, and, of course, fruits and veggies. If your diet includes dairy, eggs and fish, these are very nutrient rich as well.
  • Eat a good source of protein with each meal.
  • Try quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, etc. These pseudo-grains are some of the best sources of vegetarian and vegan protein.
  • Grains such as millet, teff and sorghum are very nutritious, as well. In addition to protein and fiber, they all have other vital nutrients, like B vitamins, iron, calcium and magnesium.
  • Get your vitamin D, iron and B vitamin levels checked.
  • If you don’t eat fish, consider taking a vegan or vegetarian omega-3 supplement from algae.
  • When possible, include fortified gluten-free foods, like cereals and breads.
  • Work with a registered dietitian nutritionist to make sure you’re eating a balanced diet.


Source: Food & Nutrition Magazine July 2013

Benefits of Coffee

Research on the health benefits of coffee mainly investigates the bean in its brewed beverage form. Studies suggest higher levels of coffee intake which is about six or seven cups a day, are associated with lower risk for type 2 diabetes. Others show the consumption of coffee may be linked to reduced risk of stroke, several types of cancers including liver, skin, colorectal, breast, oral, pharyngeal and esophageal cancers, and possibly cardiovascular disease. Drinking at least three cups of coffee a day was associated with slower decline in cognitive abilities in women, probably due to coffee’s caffeine content. Coffee consumption also is linked to lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, possibly by protecting the brain’s dopaminergic cells against neurotoxicity. Study subjects who drink the most java receive the greatest health benefits, but most adults including pregnant women should limit caffeine to less than 300 mg a day, or about the amount found in three cups of coffee.



Eating Disorder Statistics

Check out the reality of the numbers. Numbers are statistics, data, facts — the numbers don’t lie!

  • Up to 24 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, night eating syndrome, orthorexia, diabulemia) in the U.S.
  • Almost 50% of people with eating deisorders meet the criteria for depression.
  • Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.
  • 50% of teenage girls and 33% of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting and taking laxatives.
  • An estimated 10-15% of people with anorexia or bulimia are male.
  • Men are less likely to seek treatment for eating disorders because of the perception that an eating disorder is a  “woman’s disease.”
  • By the age of 5, children describe thin friends as being more desirable than overweight friends.
  • By the age of 6, girls have internalized the slender ideal and 40% have expressed a desire to be thinner.
  • By the age of 9, girls desire has translated into action, and nearly 50% have already embarked on their first restrictive diet.
  • By age 13, 80% of the adolescsent girls are dieting to fight the natural changes in their maturing bodies.
  • By age 17, 4 out of 5 healthy-weight young women think they are too fat.
  • By age 20, 95%  of young women express strong desire to lose weight.
  • 35% of “normal dieters” progress to pathological dieting.
  •  Female eating disorder patients in my office have ranged from 3rd grade to late 60’s.
  • Male eating disorder patients  I have seen have been from 15 y/o to late 50’s.
  • The longer treatment is postponed will directly correspond to a longer treatment time (months to years) becasue the roots of the eating disorder will be more established.

Behind the numbers are the stories of   significant pain, anguish and cost of eating disorders which are considered a mental health illness. cb

New Study Shows Skipping Breakfast Won’t Wreck Diet

Breakfast can serve several purposes for people trying to lose weight, ranging from a mental commitment to a calorie-controlled day, to preventing overeating during lunch.
Recent news shows research has found,  while eating breakfast is widely thought to be a key factor in both preventing obesity and weight loss, scientific evidence doesn’t support “eating by the clock,” according to a recent study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Researcher Dr. David Allison and colleagues compared the results of nearly 100 studies examining weight change and breakfast consumption. They found the scientific data lacking to definitively support a link between eating breakfast and weight loss, or skipping breakfast and weight gain. 
Eating breakfast is just one positive habit that can support, but not replace, an overall weight loss effort. It’s the total effort that counts most for weight loss, including daily modest calorie reductions, daily walking, adequate sleep, and stress management. The timing and calorie and nutrient content is also important, as well as an individual’s personal daily schedule. You don’t need to wake up extremely early, especially if you are not hungry. A simple breakfast can be as easy as a large glass of skim-milk sometime in the morning.  


Food Cravings & Stress

Stress in America reveals that 36 percent of participants report overeating or eating unhealthy foods, and 27 percent report skipping meals over the last month in response to stress. Despite the common belief that stress directly leads to weight gain, epidemiologic research shows inconsistent results. Bringing together 14 prospective studies that followed more than 23,000 men and women for up to 38 years, a metaanalysis found only a very small association between stressors, such as a traumatic event or work stress, and weight gain. Published in the June 2011 issue of Obesity, this study also showed effects of stress were stronger in men than in women.

Several studies suggest that while stress may not always lead to consuming more calories, some people eat less and lose weight when stressed, it’s likely to lead to less healthy food choices. Although more research is needed can be donee to draw conclusions about how stress relates to body weight, food intake and food preference, consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes, low-fat dairy foods, fish, eggs, lean meats and poultry provides vital nutrients needed for mind and body. Eating every few hours can help keep blood sugar levels steady and prevent excessive hunger.

Think Small: Making small changes in how you cope with stress on a slow, gradual basis can help you make bigger long-term changes. Such as taking a short walk rather than drowning your sorrows in a bowl of ice cream, or keeping healthful snacks on hand as an alternative to skipping meals.


Energy Boosters Under 80 Calories

Feeling fatigued? Here are great low-calorie snacks to boost your energy!


Fruit Cup

78 Calories

3 ounces plain fat-free yogurt layered with 1/4 cup diced mango and topped with 2 teaspoons pomegranate seeds

Peanut Butter Mix
70 Calories

1 tablespoon dried banana chips with 1/3 cup Barbara’s Bakery Puffins Peanut Butter and Chocolate Cereal

 Fiber Protein Punch
69 Calories

1/3 small pear, sliced and topped with 1/2 tablespoon Futters Pumpkin Seed Butter