All About Watermelons

It’s that time of year again! Time to find a tasty watermelon to eat in the hot summer sun! Have you wondered what nutritional benefits there are in a watermelon?

Watermelon contains an amino acid called “Lycopene” that gives the watermelon its red/pink color and is a great antioxidant. In addition to that, watermelons contain a variety of vitamins such as Vitamin A, B6, and C, which are great for overall health and the immune system. They also have a great source of potassium which lowers blood pressure. Finally, watermelons carry 92% water within the fruit, which is great for hydrating and refreshment under the sun.

A fun tip when looking for watermelons at the grocery store is to look for one that is firm, symmetrical, feels dense, and has a yellow underside.

Try this tasty Watermelon Salad:
-Dice seedless watermelon into small squares and place in bowl
-Add in crumbled feta cheese, 1 large diced cucumber, and minced mint (to your taste)
-Optional: Add olive oil, salt and pepper to taste, and finely chopped jalapeno
-Mix all the ingredients together and enjoy!

Reference: MayoClinic