Chicken Pot Pie Made Healthy

This recipe adds more carrots and parsley, substitutes low-fat milk, and uses less butter! Easy swaps like this can really transform a classic recipe into something healthier!



  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
  2. Combine chicken, carrots, peas, and celery in a saucepan. Cover with water. Boil until chicken is no longer pink in the middle and vegetables are fork tender, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat, drain, and set aside.
  3. Cook and stir onions in butter in a saucepan over medium heat, until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Stir in flour, salt, pepper, and celery seed. Slowly stir in chicken broth and milk. Simmer over medium-low heat until thick, about 5 minutes. Stir in parsley and remove from heat. Set aside.
  4. Place chicken mixture in bottom pie crust; pour hot liquid mixture over. Cover with top crust, seal edges, and cut away excess dough. Make several small slits in top to allow steam to escape.
  5. Bake in preheated oven until pie is golden brown and filling is bubbly, 30 to 35 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes before serving.


Let us know how you like this great recipe from!


Intuitive Eating

Are you tired of dieting and being confused by all the latest diet trends? Do you feel like you don’t know how to get on track and establish a consistent eating pattern? Are you unsure of how food connects with your mental and physical health? If you answered yes to any this, the concept and practice of intuitive eating will be great to apply to your lifestyle.

Intuitive eating in a nutshell is a mindset or philosophy that honors internal body cues that we are innately born with such as eating when we are hungry and stopping when we are satisfied, and it rejects the diet mentality that is heavily marketed. There is more that is involved in becoming an intuitive eater but here are the 10 principles that were first developed by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in their book titled intuitive eating.

  1. Reject the Diet Mentality – Avoid fad diets and all the rules surrounded about eating
  2. Honor your Hunger – Listen to the cues your body gives you to tell you to fuel up. Keep yourself fed.
  3. Make Peace with Food – Give yourself permission to eat and enjoy all foods. Restriction leads to overeating which creates a poor relationship with food
  4. Challenge the Food Police – Stop the thoughts in your head that make you believe your “good” for eating low calories or “bad” for having some ice cream.
  5. Respect your Fullness – Listen for the signals your body gives you to tell you that you are no longer hungry. A hunger scale can be great to use for this.
  6. Discover the Satisfaction Factor- Enjoy the food and meal experiences you encounter. Remember that food is to be both nourishing and satisfying.
  7. Honor Your Feelings without using Food – Find ways to cope with emotions you may struggle with. Practice guided mediation, talk with a friend, or dive into a great book.
  8. Respect your Body – Accept your genetic blueprint and be proud of the skin you’re in! Your worth is not determined by your size.
  9. Exercise, Feel the Difference – Get active in an activity you enjoy. It doesn’t have to be at the gym to be considered exercise. Go on a walk or get some yard work done. It all counts. Shift your focus from solely burning calories to how energized you may feel. It’s a great stress reliever too!
  10. Honor your Health – Avoiding diets doesn’t equate to not being aware of or caring about what you eat. Choose nutrient dense foods the majority of the time also knowing that’s its totally fine to have some indulgences

Remember that intuitive eating doesn’t happen overnight and it takes consistent practice and time. You can work with any of the dietitians at BN to help apply these principles into your way of life long-term.



The American Heart Association recommends no more then 6 TEASPOONS (25 grams or 100 calories) of added sugar per day for women, and 9 TEASPOONS (38 grams or 150 calories) per day for men. To put things into perspective…

1 Tablespoon Ketchup = 3.7 grams Sugar

1 Quaker Chewy Bar = 7 grams Sugar

1 Cup apple juice = 24 grams Sugar

1 Serving Yoplait Fruit, Nonfat Yogurt = 47 grams Sugar

Added Sugar

With the new Nutrition Facts label, there is now a column for “Added Sugar”. This is great information to have and it tells us how many grams of calorie containing sweeteners/added sugars have been added. Consuming added sugars in excess can cause weight gain and obesity because they do not contain nutrients and are a form of empty calories. In large amounts, these sweeteners rapidly increase blood glucose levels, insulin levels, and triglycerides. When these levels are elevated, your risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic illnesses increases.

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners, aka non-nutritive sweeteners, are another type of sweetener that can be added to food products and are widely known for being added to diet beverages. They are low and even no calorie sweeteners such as Nutrasweet, Sweet One, Sweet’N Low, and Splenda. In their chemical forms they are Aspartame, Acesulfame-K, Saccharin, and Sucralose. This type of sweetener also provides no nutrient benefits for the body. Studies show that daily consumption of artificially sweetened beverages, such as diet drinks, are associated with a 36% greater risk for metabolic syndrome and a 67% increased risk for type 2 diabetes (Gardener, et al., 2019).

Artificially sweetened beverages can be used among consumers to decrease calories but use of these beverages should be limited-time and as an in-between while transitioning to drinking water only.

Real Sugar/Natural Sugar

Not all sugar is bad. Naturally occurring sugars in food such as fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose) provide important nutrients. Whole fruits contain antioxidants and fiber, which helps you feel full for longer and provide metabolic benefits. The natural sugars combined with the other nutrients in these foods are digested more slowly than the added sugars which helps stabilize blood glucose levels. When given the option, always choose whole fruit over dried fruit or fruit juice.


As always, we recommend a balance of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. However, there is room for the occasional Coke or Diet Dr. Pepper in moderation. Living a healthy lifestyle is about variety, moderation and making choices for YOU and your health!




Studies and Pictures Cited:

  1. Gardener, H., & Elkind, M. S. (2019). Artificial Sweeteners, Real Risks. Stroke,50(3), 549-551. doi:10.1161/strokeaha.119.024456
  2. Strawbridge, H. (2018, January 08). Artificial sweeteners: Sugar-free, but at what cost? Retrieved from
  3. Photo by Mikael Stenberg on Unsplash

Fitness & Mental Health for Mom

As moms we have many different hats that we wear. We play the role of chefs, nurses, cleaners, counselors and SO much more. Whether we stay at home or work outside of the home, we are all working moms. It’s a job that we have 24/7 and by far the most amazing job there is. Being a mother combined with everything else that we do can be stressful. As a mother of three small children, that also works, I can say this from experience… It can be challenging at times to consistently make time for myself and be mindful of how I can effectively manage stress in a positive and beneficial way.

Something I strive to do is focus on both mental and physical health. Exercising is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. When we exercise endorphins are released. Endorphins are hormones that the body releases in response to stress such as physical pain or intense exercise. After these chemicals are released, they cause feelings of well being and euphoria. Finishing a workout gives a sense of accomplishment and boosts energy.

When paired with eating a balanced diet, there aren’t many activities that make you feel that good. The recommended amount of exercise each week is either 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity. Exercise can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Here are some tips to make this a regular practice for yourself.


  1. Do something you enjoy: This looks different for everyone. If you find it challenging to figure out how to incorporate it into your schedule, think outside the box.
  2. Workout ideas for your moms:
    1. Take your kids out on a walk or jog around the neighborhood while pushing the stroller.
    2. For those of you that have kids that are a little older, make it a fun family challenge and workout together at home. Physical activity doesn’t require you to go to the gym or a fitness class, you can do workouts at home too.
    3. If you’re a stay-at-home mom, try to exercise early before the kids wake up or during nap times.
    4. If you don’t work from home, take advantage of lunch breaks or any time that you have before or after work.
    5. Your workouts can be spread out in multiple mini sessions throughout the day instead of one longer session. It’s perfectly fine and still counts if you do two 15 minute sessions a day or three 10 minute ones. It all adds up and will make a difference.


SAMPLE AT HOME WORKOUT: INTERVAL TRAINING:  A workout I like to do at home, when I can’t make it to the studio to train, is interval based training. This is accomplished by establishing a set amount of time to perform the exercise(s) followed by a set period of time to rest and repeating the sequence. I like to choose at least 1-2 upper and lower body exercises, 1-2 core exercises and at least one cardio intensive exercise and end it with some stretching. This method helps keeps my intensity higher and lets me accomplish more in less time.  For example, do 4 rounds of squats, push-ups, lunges, bicep curls, jumping jacks, and a plank hold. The work : rest ratio for this would be 30 seconds on : 60 seconds off. 


Whether it be Zumba, Yoga, weight training or a great walk with the kids, just keep moving. In order for us to continue all that we do and have peace of mind, we HAVE to take care of ourselves and make it a priority. Your kids will be so motivated and inspired by this.  So the next time you feel anxious and stressed, remember that you are only one workout away from a good mood!


Winter Blues


It’s easy to be a little more relaxed with your diet and exercise habits during the winter. Even I have noticed lately that I have been lazier because it’s dark when I get home from work or I just don’t want to get all bundled up to venture out into the cold. It seems to be easier to maintain the healthy lifestyle during the summer months with all the fun recipes for fruits and vegetables that are in season, and the outside activities that keep us moving all day long. To keep you on track and ready for Spring, here are some tips on how to stay motivated through this Winter season.

  • Accept that it is COLD and gear up! Go pick up a couple pieces of extra warm clothing (hats, socks, gloves, coats) to make it easier to head outside for a trip to the gym or grocery store.
  • Wear bright colors. (If you’re into that) Wearing a bright coat or hat could help you feel happier and more upbeat. I tend to wear a lot of black and grey during the winter but mixing in a bright green or purple would be great for creating a fun and colorful mood for the day.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. The people around you influence your mood and behavior, especially during the dark winter months.
  • Cook something new. Try out a new recipe with a food you have never tried before, trying new things can be fun and rewarding. The whole point is to make a wholesome meal for yourself and rekindle the flame for making yummy home cooked meals. Some “winter mood” foods include: sweet potatoes, eggplant, and squash.

Here is a Winter Squash Soup recipe!

Prep time: 15 minutes / Cook time: 45 minutes / Servings: 4 / Calories: 346 kcal


2 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large onion chopped
2 stalks celery chopped
2.5 pounds winter squash peeled, deseeded and cut into chunks
1 tablespoon honey
5 cups chicken stock
Salt and Pepper to taste
Parsley (Fresh) chopped to serve (optional)



-Melt the butter and oil in a large saucepan. Add the onions and celery, and gently cook until really soft – about 15 mins.

-Add the squash and cook, stirring for 5 mins.

-Add the honey and chicken stock, bring to a simmer and cook until the squash is tender.

-Remove from heat and using a hand blender, blitz until smooth (adding a bit more stock or water if the soup is too thick).

-Season to taste with salt and pepper. Reheat before serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley.


Recipe Notes

For the winter squash – you can buy whole squash and prepare them yourself or buy bags of ready to use.


Sourced used for tips and recipe:




Feeding Your Metabolism

Metabolism refers to the energy produced to perform all functions of the body. Improvements in metabolism can help with weight management, increase overall energy and lead to a healthier lifestyle. Here are the top tips to give your body that extra boost:



  • Get adequate water intake:


Water is required by the body to work more efficiently. You wouldn’t run a car without gas or oil, so why would you deprive your body of water? Drink 8 ounces when you first wake up to help cleanse your body and allow for a more favorable environment for nutrient absorption. Aim for a minimum of 64 ounces per day.



  • Eat a balanced breakfast:


Breakfast is a great way to get your metabolism started in the morning. Aim for a balanced meal including lean sources of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Alternating your breakfast meals and eating within 90 minutes of waking can work to boost your metabolism.



  • Build lean body mass:


The more lean body mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate. Incorporate weight or resistance training into your workout routine to help build lean muscle. This will cause your body to burn more calories at rest and help with weight loss.



  • Even out caloric distribution:


Waiting till the evening meal to consume the majority of your calories, can lead to increase in insulin levels, promote fat storage and result in weight gain. Your metabolism works more efficiently in the morning and slows down as the day progresses, so aim even calorie distribution.



  • Improve sleep:


Lack of sleep leads to increase in hunger hormone, ghrelin and decrease in fullness hormone, leptin. No wonder your feel so hungry on the day after only 4 hours of Zzzs!! To promote a more efficient metabolism and prevent weight gain, aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.



  • Fuel properly:


Skipping meals will actually slow down your metabolism, so eat every 3-4 hours to promote a more efficient metabolism. Getting a variety of foods and adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fat from your diet is important for proper metabolism and nutrition.


Wondering what your metabolism is? Banister Nutrition performs metabolic testing for patients to provide more individualized care and recommendations for proper nutrition. Help your metabolism by implementing these tips!

Sous Vide

Nowadays cooking like your favorite celebrity chef is much more attainable. Home kitchens everywhere are housing many types of high tech cookware once only sought after by restaurant chefs. One such piece of equipment is the sous vide machine or immersion circulator. In the past, this method of cooking was expensive and invasive, but is now growing in popularity. So, what is this whole sous vide thing? Is it complicated or too science-y for the average home cook? The answer is no! This is something anyone can do at home and might even make your life easier and much more delicious.

Sous vide in French means “under vacuum.” This makes sense when you consider what it fundamentally is. At its basic level, sous vide is cooking food in an air-tight container, in temperature-controlled water. A vacuum sealer is an ideal way to create a near perfect seal. A large container (plastic bin, soup pot) is filled with water and the immersion circulator is submerged inside. The temperature and time is selected and the machine comes to life preparing the water bath. When the water reaches the desired temperature, the meat or other food item is placed in. When the food item reaches the set temperature many hours later, it is done! I recommend a quick sear in a pan to create a crust on the outside. A minute on each side is all that is necessary.

Being gently cooked in water means the food item doesn’t come in contact with air, flame, metal, and is never boiled. This creates an environment that allows total control and even doneness. No guesswork is needed, unlike traditional methods where meat needs to be poked with a thermometer or cut open, exposing its juices, to see doneness. You set your temperature of choice and when the meat reaches that temperature, it is ready to eat. It also means the most tender meat you could possibly dream of!

Chicken, pork, beef, lamb, fish, vegetables, and eggs all work great in the sous vide. You can add oils, butter, or seasonings to create any flavor profile you want. Each item will require a different temperature and time requirement. When cooking with such low temperatures, the key is the time to kill off any harboring bacteria as well as create a tender product. The magic of sous vide, is taking lean, tough cuts and making them super tender. You can buy an inexpensive piece of meat and make it taste incredible! We often buy chuck roasts, season with rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper. After 46 hours at 133 degrees, the meat is fall apart tender.

Being a working parent, dinner can be tough to get on the table without proper planning and preparation. Cooking with the Sous Vide allows me to have my protein cooked and ready when I need it. It’s incredibly easy and creates the most delicious food. So, will you sous vide??


Crock Pot Sweet Potato and Apples Beef Stew

Hope you enjoy this cozy recipe!

Crock Pot Sweet Potato and Apples Beef Stew
?2lbs beef, sliced into 1.5 by 1.5 inch pieces
?1 can 14.5 oz beef broth + 1 cup water
?2 red delicious apples, divide by 4 (peeled and cored)
?1 large sweet potato, 1lb or 27oz peeled and sliced into big chunks, 1.5 inches thick
?1/4 cup onion, chopped
?salt to taste

Place beef, apples, onion, sweet potato, and broth in crock pot and cook on low over night (7-8 hrs). When ready to serve, add salt to taste.

*Carol actually made this and doubled the recipe because it is so easy to freeze and great to have ready on a busy night!

CARBS – The Facts

The basics –

Our bodies need fuel to continue to work properly and do all of the amazing things we want to do. That fuel comes from protein, fat, and… you guessed it – carbohydrates! The amazing thing about carbs is that they instantly break down into sugar/glucose that the body is able to use immediately. Glucose is super important for your body; it’s also the type of fuel that your brain uses. When we aren’t getting enough carbohydrates the body decides to break down fat for fuel which sounds like a GREAT thing right? Not necessarily… When the body uses fat for fuel, ketones are formed. Ketones raise the level of acid in your blood, and that can be unhealthy over long periods of time. Think about this next time you are planning on restricting or taking carbs out of your diet completely. Removing major food groups from your diet is a BIG DEAL and should only be considered when recommended by a licensed dietitian or your primary physician.

Simple versus Complex –

REMINDER: There are no good and bad carbs; everything is OK when eaten in moderation.

Simple carbohydrates: Easily broken down by the body, raise blood sugar levels quickly, include foods like candy, pastries, and desserts.

Complex carbohydrates: Take longer to be broken down by the body which raises blood sugar levels more slowly than simple carbohydrates, include foods like multigrain bread, pasta, beans, potatoes, other vegetables.

We want our blood sugars to stay as consistent as possible, meaning we need to be including more complex carbs into our diet. A good rule of thumb to live by would be to fill HALF of your plate with complex carbs (fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, & dairy) and keep simple carbs to a minimum.

For some healthy MyPlate approved meals click this link>>>


Halloween Candy & Food Allergies

Halloween Candy


Having allergies or intolerances can be extremely challenging, especially during the holidays. Daily reminders about the foods you once enjoyed but can no longer have are constant. Dairy, gluten, corn, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, and eggs are found in so many foods these days. Whether you or your children are new to having allergies or have been dealing with them for years, Halloween can be a tricky holiday to traverse.  Many candy companies are wonderful at providing the allergens listed in their ingredients, which makes it possible to find allergen free treats your family can enjoy. Below I have provided a list of candy suitable for each allergy/intolerance:




Common ingredients listed are:  wheat flour, wheat, glucose syrup made from wheat, barley, barley syrup, malt, or cross contamination from the manufacturing facility.


Safe candies include:

Skittles, Mike and Ike’s, Blow Pop, Almond Joy, Snickers, M&M’s, Reese’s Peanut butter Cups, Milk Duds, Charleston Chews, Dots, Tootsie Pops, Double Bubble, Reese’s Pieces, Laffy Taffy, Caramel Apple Pops, Andes Mints, Sour Patch Kids, Starburst, 3 Muskateers, Lifesavors, Sugar Babies, Tootsie Rolls, Nerds, Butterfingers, Baby Ruth, Jolly Ranchers, Junior Mints, Mounds, Sugar Daddy, Dum Dums. Hershey Bar



While most corn allergies are specific to the protein in corn, some are allergic to other nutrients in corn. There can be traces of corn protein in any corn- derived ingredient.

Common ingredients listed are: corn syrup, corn flour, cornstarch, maltodextrin, cellulose, caramel, vegetable oil, cross contamination from the manufacturing facility.


Safe candies include:

Reese’s peanut butter cup, Hershey Bar, Heath Bar, KitKat, Mr Good Bar, Andes Mints





Common ingredients include: whey, casein, milkfat, milk, powdered milk, skim milk, lactose, dairy butter, cross contamination from the manufacturing facility.


Safe candies include:

Skittles, Mike and Ike’s, Twizzlers, Lifesavers, Starburst, Dots, Double Bubble, Nerds, Jolly Ranchers, Laffy Taffy, Sweet Tarts, Dum Dums, Sour Patch Kids



Common ingredients include: soy lecithin, soy albumin, soy flour, TVP, soy protein, cold pressed soybean oil


Safe candies include:

Sweet Tarts, Twizzler’s Pull N Peel , Nerds, Life Savers, Sour Patch Kids, Good and Plenty, Dum Dums



Common ingredients include: peanut flour, peanuts, peanut protein hydrosolate, cross contamination from the manufacturing facility


Safe Candies include:

Tootsie Pop, Dum Dums, Dots, Andes Mints, Laffy Taffy, Jelly Belly, Milk Duds, Caramel Apple Pops, Skittles, Lifesavers, Tootsie Roll, Mike and Ike’s, Blow Pop, Sugar Babies, Double Bubble, Charleston Chew, Whoppers, Starburst, Nerds, Dots, Kit Kat, Junior Mints, Sweet Tarts, Hershey Bar


Tree Nuts

Common Ingredients include: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, coconut, pistachio, pecan, marzipan, almond paste, nut oils, nut milks, nut extracts, chestnut, cross contamination from the manufacturing facility.


Safe candies include:

Skittles, Tootsie Roll, Butterfinger, Baby Ruth, Jolly Ranchers, Sour Patch Kids, Sugar Daddy, Mike and Ike’s, Blow Pop, Reese’s Peanut butter Cup, M&M’s Plain, Good and Plenty, Junior Mints, KitKat, Twizzlers, Lifesavers, Nerds, Starburst, Milk Duds, Dum Dums, Whoppers, Dots, Reese’s Pieces, Andes Mints, Charleston Chew, Twizzler’s Pull N Peel, Dots, Hershey Bar, Sweet Tarts



Common ingredients include: egg whites, egg yolks, egg albumin, egg protein, meringue, egg lecithin, cross contamination from the manufacturing facility.


Safe candies include:

Skittles, Mike and Ike’s, M&M’s, Dum Dums, Almond Joy, Reese’s Peanut butter Cup, Hershey Bar, KitKat, Twizzlers, Lifesavers, Tootsie Roll, Nerds, Good and Plenty, Blow Pop, Butterfinger, Jolly Ranchers, Starburst, Crunch Bar, Sour Patch Kids, Milk Duds, Andes Mints, Caramel Apple Pops, Dots, Tootsie Pop, Rolo, Twizzler’s Pull N Peel, Reese’s Pieces



Hoping everyone has a safe and delicious Halloween!