Entries by Banister Nutrition

Are you eating breakfast?

Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day, yet many skip this meal due to wanting to sleep in a little later, busy morning schedules, or not having the feeling of hunger due to not getting fuel in the morning for long periods of time. It’s important however to remember […]

Breast Cancer Awareness

October is breast cancer awareness month! This article from the American Institute of Cancer Research has some nutritional guidance on how to help appetite loss, nausea and vomiting, bowel changes, weight gain, and fatigue while going through chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or other treatments.   For appetite loss try eating your most nutritious meal during times […]


Root vegetables are coming into season with Fall right around the corner. These types of vegetables offer an abundance of nutrition. They are packed full of complex carbs, vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, antioxidants and potassium. Fiber works in the body to improve digestive health, maintain a healthy weight and improve cholesterol for heart health. […]

I Hate Diabetes

If you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes and you find yourself saying “I hate having diabetes and all that it involves” you are normal, sane and emotionally healthy! I’ve never heard of anyone responding to their diagnosis of diabetes with a “yippee”! Diabetes is a complex health concern that involves more than “go home […]

The Simple Things

This blog is a how-to on the simple things that we are expected to be able to do in the kitchen, but sometimes never actually learn how to do! We will learn how to bake chicken breasts, bake veggies, and cook pasta. First up is baking chicken breasts- What you will need… 4 skinless, boneless […]

Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes

Can you imagine knowing what your blood glucose is 96-288 times each day and only doing a finger stick 0-2x daily? This is possible with continuous glucose monitors (CGM’s) now available for patients use. These monitors have been available for over a decade but most people with diabetes are unfamiliar with this technology and how […]

The Jungle of Eating Disorders

Monsters in the eating disorder jungle: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Rumination Disorder, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), Night Eating Syndrome, Orthorexia, Diabulimia, How much time do you spend daily thinking about your food, weight, body size/shape, comparing yourself to others, and thinking if you weighed less you would be happy? Be honest […]

“Romaine” calm and Recycle

We have heard scary reports of how the environment in which we live is changing, but “romaine” calm; there is still hope for a healthy planet! There are some small changes we all can make to help! While we’re at it, there’s always hope for a healthier you, too, so let’s get started! Why Should […]

Mindful versus Mindless

Have you ever cleaned out the last few crumbs from the chip bag? How about those cookies that were a few days old, luke warm french fries, ice cream with frost bite, or the last dinner roll because it shouldn’t go to waste? Infants and toddlers eat in response to intuitive information from their gut, […]