Does Eating Less Meat Equal Less Energy?

Eating less meat means consuming less saturated fat, which may reduce our risk of heart disease and cancer. For some, easting a yogurt instead of pizza for lunch may make some feel like they are running on an empty tank during their zumba class in the evening. Inadequate protein can lead to decreased performance, increased workout fatigue, and more muscle soreness following exercise.You can meet your protein needs with healthy foods such as poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, nut 
 butters, and seeds as well as low-fat dairy products, including cottage cheese, milk, and yogurt. 
Eliminating meat completely can be a challenge. Plant-based proteins can provide the essential amino acids your body needs to repair and build muscle. Some examples are, tofu, tempe, seitan, soy crumbles, soy burgers, soybeans (frozen edamame, canned soy beans, and dried soy nuts), legumes, soy yogurt, soy cheese, nuts, and nut butters. Snacks to eat after a workout may include protein rich pick-me-ups like whey protein shakes spiked with fruit juice, trail mix, hummus and crackers with raw veggies, soy yogurt with fresh fruit, smoothies made with soy milk, and silken tofu with diced fruit. 
If you are unsure about how many grams of protein you should be consuming a day, your dietitian can help you determine the right goal for you.