Everyone Needs to Eat!!
Good nutrition is important for everyone. 33 million Americans, are hungry, do not have enough to eat on a regular basis, or do not have the money or assistance to get enough food to maintain active, healthy lives. More than 1 million Seniors living alone do not have enough food to eat on a regular basis or rely on food banks and charities. Community mobile meal organizations are there to try and fill the need. These programs rely on the donations of private individuals, businesses, social and civic organizations, churches and federal programs. Grants and foundations are able to provide additional sources of revenue to support the efforts to provide meals. Many mobile meal programs do not have age or income restrictions but some do depending on how they are funded.
Hot, nourishing meals are provided Monday – Friday and delivered to the frail and disabled who are unable to prepare meals for themselves. In addition, providing meals to individuals recovering from a hospitalization or illness temporarily is an important part of their service. Another purpose of mobile meal programs is human interaction. The benefits of human contact and conversation is far reaching especially where human nutrition is concerned.
March For Meals is an annual campaign designed to raise awareness of senior hunger and to encourage action at the local level. Senior Nutrition Programs across the United States promote March For Meals in their communities through public events, partnerships with local businesses, volunteer recruitment efforts and fundraising initiatives. March 20th is Mayors for Meals Day nationwide. The Mayor from Edmond will be delivering meals through local programs to show support. In 2012, over 1500 mayors and elected from across the nation participated.
How can you help and get involved? All of these programs rely heavily on the work of volunteers and donations. Some positions are more time consuming than others but be assured there is a place for you! If a gift of time is not feasible for you, consider making a cash donation and supporting your local program. From a personal perspective, I have been an Edmond Mobile Meal volunteer for 2 years and can say without a doubt it is one of my most fullfilling jobs. The time committment is small and who could turn down free smiles, warm hugs and friendly handshakes from the recipents?
Below are local Oklahoma City programs that you can contact.
Edmond Mobile Meals Mobile Meals of Oklahoma Co
25 W. 3rd Street 651 North Brookline Suite 123
Edmond, OK 73003 Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Phone: 405-341-3111 Phone: 405-607-2314