Truths About Tea

Flavonoids in both black and green tea prevent oxidation of LDL-cholesterol (or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), reduce blood clotting and improve widening of blood vessels in the heart. Studies that looked at the relationship of black tea intake and heart health reported decreased incidence of heart attack, lower cholesterol levels and significantly lower blood pressure.

Effect on Teeth:
Japanese researchers in 2010 reported at least one cup of green tea per day was associated with significantly decreased odds for tooth loss. There have been other studies that have suggested tea may lower the pH of the tooth surface, suppressing the growth of periodontal bacteria. A more likely reason for tea’s anti-cariogenic effect is its fluoride content. Tea usually is brewed with fluoridated water and the tea plant naturally accumulates fluoride from the soil.
The caffeine content of every tea is different depending on the kind of tea used and the way it is brewed. Typical levels for tea are less than half that of coffee, ranging from 20mg to 60mg per 8 ounces, compared to 50mg to 300mg in coffee. Studies found no negative effects on hydration with intakes of up to 400mg of caffeine per day (the amount in about seven cups of the strongest brewed tea).
Posted by: SSG