How body language can be related to nutrition

Right now, note your body language. Continue.

Our self-perception impacts more than we realize. Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist, states that “our non-verbals govern how other people think and feel about us.” However, she then examines the opposite: “do our non-verbals govern how we think and feel about ourselves?” Cuddy found that portraying an open posture by making yourself larger or putting your hands on your hips often reflects self-confidence. The reverse, making yourself smaller (i.e. hunching over, holding your arms in front of you, etc.), can indicate inferiority.

How does this relate to nutrition? Sometimes low self-confidence can impact what and how we eat. Are we trying to please others by reaching a certain body image? Do we feel that our current body weight impacts how successful we can be at changing it to a healthier weight?

Sometimes, it’s not about the food at all, but instead about how we see ourselves. Self-confidence looks different for everyone, but a few things remain the same. Life takes a turn when we make small, positive changes. As it turns out, our body language can most certainly impact our quality of life.

No one has to know you make these changes except you. Get out of bed in the morning and do a “power pose.” Start off your day by displaying to yourself that you are important and have something unique to give to those around you.

And then of course, fuel up with a nutritious breakfast.



To watch Amy Cuddy’s TedTalk, click on the link below: